duminică, martie 30, 2008

Rejoice and be glad in Him !

Psalmul 70:4

Traducerea Cornilescu:

" Toţi cei ce Te caută,
să se veselească şi
să se bucure în Tine!

Cei ce iubesc mântuirea Ta,
să zică neîncetat:
"Prea mărit să fie Dumnezeu! "

Traducere Ortodoxa:

" Să se bucure şi

să se veselească de Tine
toţi cei ce Te caută pe Tine,

şi să zică pururea
cei ce iubesc
mântuirea Ta:
"Slăvit să fie Domnul!" "

Traducere NIV:

" But may all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your
salvation always say,
"Let God be exalted!" "

Traducere NASB:

" Let all who seek You
rejoice and be glad in You;

And let those who love Your salvation say continually,
"Let God be magnified." "


" Let those on the hunt for you
sing and celebrate.

Let all who love your saving way
say over and over,
"God is mighty!" "

Traducere AB:

" May all those who seek,

inquire of and for You,

and require You [as their vital need]

rejoice and be glad in You;

and may those who love

Your salvation say continually,

Let God be magnified! "

Traducere NLT:

" But may all who search for you

be filled with joy and gladness in you.

May those who love your salvation

repeatedly shout,

“God is great!” " "

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