marți, ianuarie 29, 2008

Dumnezeu te iubeste cu adevarat

Vedeti ce dragoste ne-a aratat Tatal, sa ne numim copii ai lui Dumnezeu” Ioan 3:1

Nimic nu L-ar fi putut face pe Dumnezeu sa te iubesca mai mult decat acum: nici realizari mai mari, nici frumusete mai mare, nici aprecierea din partea altora; nici macar o spiritualitate mai mare.

Si nimic nu-L poate face sa te iubeasca mai putin: defectele de caracter, nici esecurile tale din trecut sau regretele tale.

Ironia este ca noi incercam toata viata sa castigam o dragoste care poate fi primita doar prin credinta in momentul in care recunoastem ca inlauntrul nostru se afla un gol pe care numai Dumnezeu il poate umple. Si o va face. Dar adevarul este ca viata traita in dragostea lui Dumnezeu este provocarea unei viteti intregi de om.

Multi dintre noi am fost crescuti de parinti care si-au ascuns dragostea ca expresie a dezaprobarii. Si credem ca si Dumnezeu face la fel. Dar nu este asa: „Vedeti ce dragoste ne-a aratat Tatal, sa ne numim copii ai lui Dumnezeu”(1 Ioan 3:1)

C.S.Lewis a scris:
Dumnezeu, care nu are nevoie de nimic, iubeste in existenta aceasta creaturi sterse, neimportante, penru a le putea iubi si a le duce la desavarsire.

Dumnezeu nu ne-a creat pentru ca era plictisit, singur sau nu mai stia ce sa faca. El ne-a creat ca sa fim obiectul dragostei LUI!

Uneori faptele noastre ne murdaresc, dar nu ne fac niciodata neiubiti. Si fiindca Dumnezeu ne iubeste avem valoare. Si nimeni nu ne poate lua aceasta valoare.

Dragostea lui Dumnezeu aratata la Calvar se revarsa peste niste fiinte pangarite cum suntem noi si din motive pe care nici unul dintre noi nu le poate intelege vreodata, ne face pretiosi si plini de o valoare fara seaman. Aceasta este dragoste ce intrece puterea de intelegere.

Si aceasta este dragostea pe care o are Dumnezeu pentru noi.”

Sursa: Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu pentru astazi

I'll Never Let Go Of Your Hand - by Don Francisco

I'll Never Let Go Of Your Hand

I know what you've been hearing
I've seen you hide your fear
Embarrassed by your weaknesses
Afraid to let Me near
I wish you knew how much
I long for you to understand
No matter what may happen, child
I'll never let go of your hand

I know you've been forsaken
By all you've known before
When you failed their expectations
They frowned and closed the door
But even though your heart itself
Should lose the will to stand
No matter what may happen, child
I'll never let go of your hand

The life that I have given you
No one can take away
I've sealed it with my Spirit, Blood and Word
The everlasting Father
Has made His covenant with you
And He's stronger than the world you've seen and heard

So don't you fear to show them
All the love I have for you
I'll be with you everywhere
In everything you do
And even if you do it wrong
And miss the joy I've planned
I'll never, never let go of your hand

The life that I have given you
No one can take away
I've sealed it with my Spirit, Blood and Word
The everlasting Father
Has made His covenant with you
And He's stronger than the world you've seen and heard

What Jesus did? - for January 29

The Angels Attend - Matthew 4:11
So the devil left Jesus. And then some angels came to Jesus and helped him. (ERV)

Key Thought

Have you ever wondered if there was something, or someone, there? You know, after a major decision that placed you under ridicule and attack for choosing what was ethical, right, moral, or true. That clear good night's sleep, that sense of peaceful well being, and that sense of God's care and presence are not imagined. While some have made angels a pre-occupation or even a replacement for the worship of God, Christians need to know that angels are God's servants sent to serve his faithful believers! They are the great means of heavenly comfort and support after major ordeals. They are the words of encouragement given to us by the right person at just the right time. They are even in attendance when we worship together as God's people. But the point of angels is not angels; the point of angels is the love of God for us, his children. Let's thank him that he has not left us alone to fight the battles of faith or to find comfort after the battle has passed. And let's join the angels that surround his throne in heaven with praise for his grace, power, majesty, and faithfulness.

Today's Prayer
Holy and Almighty God, you are worthy to receive all glory, honor, and praise. You have sacrificed your Son to redeem me. You have blessed me with support in my weakness, comfort in my grief, healing in my illness, and hope in my despair. Thank you for ministering to me through Jesus in his ministry, through the Holy Spirit in his abiding presence, and through your angels in their service to my needs. For these, and so many other blessings to numerous to name, I thank you, in Jesus' name. Amen.