miercuri, februarie 27, 2008

Memorabile ticuri, expresii, perle d'ale profesorilor

"Ati inteles? "**
S-a-nteles? "**"
"Da?" ***

"Ati inteles? "**

Daca arunci mai multe seminte, imposibil sa nu incolteasca macar una! "****Aceasta fraza m-a dus cu gandul la versetul urmator: "Dimineata, seamana-ti samanta, si pana seara nu lasa mana sa ti se odihneasca, fiindca nu stii ce va izbuti, aceasta, sau aceea, sau daca amandoua sunt deopotriva de bune " Eclesiastul 11:6 "

"Tot ce NU are un fundament solid este in aer, nu rezista."**** Completarea mea: e intelept asadar sa ai o temelie care sa fie durabila, pe care nimeni si nimic sa nu o poata clatina...nici macar timpul...si atunci o concluzie corecta te duce la gandul ca ai nevoie de o temelie vesnica, neclintita: cea mai buna alegere este sa alegi pe Hristos ca temelie a vietii tale. De ce? Pentru ca El insusi a spus despre Sine ca este : "Adevarul" - asadar nu poate fi clatinat....ba chiar mai mult decat atat : Isus Insusi este : "Viatza" insasi....iar referitor la vesnicie: ""Eu sunt Alfa si Omega, Inceputul si Sfarsitul," zice Domnul Dumnezeu, Cel ce este, Cel ce era si Cel ce vine, Cel Atotputernic. " Apocalipsa 1:8. Chiar David spune inspirat de Duhul lui Dumnezeu:" Inainte ca sa se fi nascut muntii, si inainte ca sa se fi facut pamantul si lumea, din vesnicie in vesnicie, Tu esti Dumnezeu!" Psalmul 90:2

"Gandesti mult lucrezi putin. Gandesti putin lucrezi mult." - bun sfat. Dar daca mai intai te rogi si Il chemi pe Dumnezeu sa te ajute, atunci vei primi intelepciunea si puterea necesara pt a face acel lucru intr-un mod intelept si cel mai eficient.

Abia astept sa vad ce mai spun profesorii mei. Notitele le-am luat in timpul cursurilor, seminariilor, in micile pauze dedicate odihnirii mainilor si a creierului. :)

What Jesus Did! - Truthfulness!

"You have heard that it was said to our people long ago, 'When you make a vow (promise), don't break that promise. Keep the vows (promises) that you make to the Lord.' But I tell you, never make a vow. Don't make a vow using the name of heaven, because heaven is God's throne.
- Matthew 5:33-34 (ERV

When we promise God something, he expects us to keep our word. It doesn't matter what the cultural view of truth and lying is, we are to be honest before God and with each other. In a way, it is ridiculous to try to live in any other way. After all, God knows our heart, our intentions, and our actions. He will hold us to our promises whether anyone else does or not! So let's make sure our word is genuine and that we don't need to pile up a bunch of other "flowery" language or culturally appropriate expletives to prop up our commitments. If we say we'll do it, then let's do it!

Father in heaven, please forgive me for the times I have not kept my word. Stir in me a passion for faithfulness and trustworthiness. Make me a person who can be counted upon to follow through with what I say. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Related Scriptures:

If you make a promise to God, then keep your promise. Don't be slow to do the thing you promised. God is not happy with foolish people. Give God what you promised to give him. It is better to promise nothing than to promise something and not be able to do it. - Ecclesiastes 5:4-5

"When you make a promise to the Lord your God, don't be slow to pay all that you promised. Why? Because the Lord your God will demand that you pay it. You will sin if you don't pay the things you promised. If you don't make a promise, then you are not sinning. But you must do the things you say you will do. If you make a special promise to God, then you chose to make that promise. God did not force you to make that promise. So you must do the thing you promised! - Deuteronomy 23:21-23

The Lord hates people who tell lies. But the Lord is happy with people who tell the truth. - Proverbs 12:22