marți, aprilie 22, 2008

Haideti dragii mei sa domnim !

Daca deci, prin greseala unuia singur, moartea a domnit prin el singur,

cu mult mai mult ceice primesc, in toata plinatatea , harul si darul neprihanirii,

vor domni in viata prin acel unul singur, care este Isus Hristos!
Romani 5:17

Spune cumva aici ca cei care au primit in toata plinatatea harul si darul neprihanirii vor umbla cu capul jos, sub presiunea circumstantelor, apasati, cu fata posomorata, fara speranta, parasiti ?

Nicidecum! Nicidecum! Pacatul nu mai domneste asupra noastra, circumstantele vietii nu ne coplesesc fiindca stim ca Suveranul si Inteleptul Creator si Sustinator, Dumnezeu, inca e la carma universului, inca e la volanul vietii fiecaruia.

Haideti dragii mei sa domnim in viata asta, de aici, sa fim mai mult decat biruitori, sa ne bucuram in suferinta, sa acceptam necazurile prin care Dumnezeu pune in noi caracterul Preaiubitului Sau Fiu, Isus!

Haideti sa domnim! Haideti sa aruncam sacul de jale, sa ne dezbracam de autocompatimire, de plangere, de argumente si cartiri continue sa alergam cu inima deschisa inaintea lui Dumnezeu , dandu-I voie sa o zgarie, sa o are, sa o zdrobeasca, sa o slefuiasca , sa puna samanta si sa o ingrijeasca, iar la vrema cuvenita vom secera roadele spre gloria Lui Isus !

Haideti dragii mei sa sa domnim!

Invataturi intelepte

Cine umbla cu inteleptii se face intelept
dar cui ii place sa se insoteasca cu nebunii o duce rau.

Nenorocirea urmareste pe cei ce pacatuiesc,
dar cei neprihaniti vor fi rasplatiti cu fericire.

Omul de bine lasa mostenitori pe copii copiilor sai, dar bogatiile pacatosului sunt pastrate pentru cel neprihanit.

Proverbe 13:20-22

What Jesus Did! - Affirming Faith

While Jesus was saying these things, a leader of the synagogue came to him. The leader bowed down before Jesus and said, "My daughter has just died. But come and touch her with your hand, and she will live again." So Jesus stood up and went with the leader. Jesus' followers went too.

There was a woman that had been bleeding for twelve years. The woman came behind Jesus and touched the bottom of his coat. The woman was thinking, "If I can touch his coat, then I will be healed." Jesus turned and saw the woman. Jesus said, "Be happy, dear woman. You are made well because you believed." Then the woman was healed.
- Matthew 9:18-22 (ERV)


Two powerful realizations are driven home by this story of the desperate and outcast woman.

First, even though her outward circumstances and personal demeanor are the opposite of the synagogue ruler with whom she shares the story, their core issue is the same: faith that Jesus can deliver them from their desperate concerns. They both act in bold ways to find that deliverance.

Second, in both stories, even though there is a huge crowd pressing upon Jesus, he ministers personally and specifically to the needs of the people. What so powerfully sets Jesus apart from healing charlatans is that he does not use these events to focus upon himself, but to personally minister to the needs of the people involved. These stories remind us again of how powerful it is that God would become human flesh to minister to us -- personally!


Holy Father, thank you for your love and compassion in sending Jesus. I find it both awe inspiring and assuring to know that you walked among people and ministered to them personally, not just spectacularly, in Jesus. Thank you for reminding me that every human need, every desperate struggle, is known to you and agonized over by you. In Jesus' name I praise and thank you for this grace. Amen.

Related Scriptures:

10.When Jesus heard this, he was astonished and said to those following him, "I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.

13. Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go! It will be done just as you believed it would." And his servant was healed at that very hour.
- Matt. 8:10, 13

Jesus said to the woman, "Because you believed, you are saved {from your sins}. Go in peace." - Luke 7:50

Then Jesus said to the man, "Stand up! You can go. You were healed because you believed." - Luke 17:19