joi, aprilie 03, 2008

What Jesus Did! - For those on Earth!

Matthew 8:5-9 (ERV)

Jesus went to the city of Capernaum. When Jesus entered the city, an army officer came to him and begged for help. The officer said, "Lord, my servant is very sick at home in bed. He can't move his body and has much pain." Jesus said to the officer, "I will go and heal him."

The officer answered, "Lord, I am not good enough for you to come into my house. All you need to do is command that my servant be healed, and he will be healed. I myself am a man under the authority (power) of other men.

And I have soldiers under my authority. I tell one soldier, 'Go,' and he goes. I tell another soldier, 'Come,' and he comes. I say to my servant, 'Do this,' and my servant obeys me. {I know that you also have power like this.}"

Matei 8:5-9

5 Pe cînd intra Isus în Capernaum, s'a apropiat de El un sutaş, care -L ruga

6 şi -I zicea: ,,Doamne, robul meu zace în casă slăbănog, şi se chinuieşte cumplit.``

7 Isus i -a zis: ,,Am să vin şi să -l tămăduiesc.``

8 ,,Doamne``, a răspuns sutaşul, ,,nu sînt vrednic să intri supt acoperemîntul meu; ci zi numai un cuvînt, şi robul meu va fi tămăduit.

9 Căci şi eu sînt om supt stăpînire; am supt mine ostaşi, şi zic unuia: ,Du-te!` şi se duce; altuia: ,Vino!` şi vine; şi robului meu: ,Fă cutare lucru!` şi -l face.


Authority comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be earned, it can be given by title or position, it can be coveted, it can be seized, but only One truly has, will have, and has had ultimate authority.

Like so often today, it takes someone who has handled authority with character to truly recognize someone else with authority. The Centurion recognizes authority when he sees it. He is under the authority of superiors. He commands authority over those under his rule. In Jesus, he recognizes authority in a way that none other he has met possesses. He comes to Jesus, to have what no other can do, be done for a beloved servant.

This powerful man reminds us that it is not just the weak who see Jesus as Savior, but the strong and powerful as well. It is not just the Jew who searches for the Messiah, but the God-fearing Gentile, too!


Almighty, incomparable, and authoritative God, I trust in your truth, your will, and your power for everything. Open my heart to your guidance so that I might live as one under your authority and exercise the authority that I am given with integrity, care, and honor. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Related Scriptures:

Matthew 28:18-20

So Jesus came to them and said, "All authority (power) in heaven and on earth is given to me. So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Teach those people to obey everything that I have told you. You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of the world."

Matei 28:18-20

18 Isus S'a apropiat de ei, a vorbit cu ei, şi le -a zis: ,,Toată puterea Mi -a fost dată în cer şi pe pămînt.

19 Duceţi-vă şi faceţi ucenici din toate neamurile, botezîndu -i în Numele Tatălui şi al Fiului şi al Sfîntului Duh.

20 Şi învăţaţi -i să păzească tot ce v'am poruncit. Şi iată că Eu sînt cu voi în toate zilele, pînă la sfîrşitul veacului. Amin

Matthew 9:5-8

The Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins. But how can I prove this to you? Maybe you are thinking it was easy for me to say, 'Your sins are forgiven.' {No one could see if it really happened.}

But what if I say to the man, 'Stand up and walk'? Then you will be able to see that I really have this power." So Jesus said to the paralyzed man, "Stand up. Take your mat and go home." And the man stood up and went home. The people saw this and they were amazed. The people praised God for giving power like this to people.

Matei 9:5-8

5 Căci ce este mai lesne? A zice: ,,Iertate îţi sînt păcatele``, sau a zice: ,,Scoală-te şi umblă?``

6 Dar, ca să ştiţi că Fiul omului are putere pe pămînt să ierte păcatele, -,,Scoală-te``, a zis El slăbănogului, ,,ridică-ţi patul, şi du-te acasă.``

7 Slăbănogul s'a sculat, şi s'a dus acasă.

8 Cînd au văzut noroadele lucrul acesta, s'au spăimîntat, şi au slăvit pe Dumnezeu, care a dat oamenilor o astfel de putere.

1 Timothy 2:5-6

There is only one God. And there is only one way that people can reach God.

That way is through Jesus Christ, who is also a man. Jesus gave himself to pay for {the sins of} all people. Jesus is proof {that God wants all people to be saved}. And he came at the right time.


Timotei 2:5-6

5 Căci este un singur Dumnezeu, şi este un singur mijlocitor între Dumnezeu şi oameni: Omul Isus Hristos,

6 care S'a dat pe Sine însuş, ca preţ de răscumpărare pentru toţi: faptul acesta trebuia adeverit la vremea cuvenită,

What Jesus Did! - For those on Earth!

Matthew 8:3-4

"Jesus touched the man. Jesus said, "I want to heal you. Be healed!" And immediately the man was healed from his leprosy.

Then Jesus said to him, "Don't tell any person about what happened. But go and show yourself to the priest. And offer the gift that Moses commanded {for people that are made well}. This will show people that you are healed."

Matei 8:3-4

3 Isus a întins mana, S'a atins de el, şi a zis: ,,Da, vreau, fii curăţit!`` Îndată a fost curăţită lepra lui.

4 Apoi Isus i -a zis: ,,Vezi să nu spui la nimeni; ci du-te de te arată preotului, şi adu darul, pe care l -a randuit Moise, ca mărturie pentru ei.``


This is a mini-story of the Incarnation. God saw that humankind had a need and reached out and touched us. I don't know how we are to fully understand what it means for God to live in human flesh, but he did. That is what the Jesus story is all about. And when he did, he didn't wear the robes of royalty but of the peasant so he could touch us, the most average of us, with his incredible gift of love and grace. Because he did, we can be sure he hears us with a voice of understanding when Jesus intercedes for us at his side.


Almighty God, please give me strength to trust in you. Help me to care less about riches and more about the broken, just like Jesus does. Thank you Jesus, for being my assurance, not only of heaven, but of heaven's hearing my heart. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

Related Scriptures:

John 1:10-12

10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.

11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.

12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—

Ioan 1:10-12

10 El era în lume, şi lumea a fost făcută prin El, dar lumea nu L -a cunoscut.

11 A venit la ai Săi, şi ai Săi nu L-au primit.

12 Dar tuturor celor ce L-au primit, adică celorce cred în Numele Lui, le -a dat dreptul să se facă copii ai lui Dumnezeu;

Hebrews 2:17-18

17 For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for ]the sins of the people.

18 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Evrei 2:17-18

17 Prin urmare, a trebuit să Se asemene fraţilor Săi în toate lucrurile, ca să poată fi, în ce priveşte legăturile cu Dumnezeu, un mare preot milos şi vrednic de încredere, ca să facă ispăşire pentru păcatele norodului.

18 Şi prin faptul că El însuş a fost ispitit în ceeace a suferit, poate să vină în ajutorul celor ce sînt ispitiţi.

1 Timothy 2:5-6

5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

6 who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time.

1 Timotei 2:5-6

5 Căci este un singur Dumnezeu, şi este un singur mijlocitor între Dumnezeu şi oameni: Omul Isus Hristos,

6 care S'a dat pe Sine însuş, ca preţ de răscumpărare pentru toţi: faptul acesta trebuia adeverit la vremea cuvenită,