sâmbătă, februarie 02, 2008

Psalmii 31:19 O, cât de mare este bunătatea Ta, pe care o păstrezi pentru cei ce se tem de Tine, şi pe care o arăţi celor ce se încred în Tine, în faţa fiilor oamenilor!

Psalmii 31:20 Tu îi ascunzi, la adăpostul Feţei Tale, de cei ce-i prigonesc, îi ocroteşti în cortul Tău de limbile care-i clevetesc.

Psalmii 31:21 Binecuvântat să fie Domnul, căci Şi-a arătat în chip minunat îndurarea faţă de mine: parc-aş fi fost într-o cetate întărită.

Psalmii 31:22 În pornirea mea nechibzuită, ziceam: "Sunt izgonit dinaintea Ta!" Dar Tu ai auzit glasul rugăciunilor mele, când am strigat spre Tine.

Psalmii 31:23 Iubiţi dar pe Domnul, toţi cei iubiţi de El. Căci Domnul păzeşte pe cei credincioşi, şi pedepseşte aspru pe cei mândri.

Psalmii 31:24 Fiţi tari, şi îmbărbătaţi-vă inima, toţi cei ce nădăjduiţi în Domnul!

" Inainte de a fi exceptional trebuie sa iti dezvolti o credinta care sa fie convinsa ca Dumnezeu poate realiza imposibilul si care sa se increada in spusele Lui, indiferent de durere sau circumstante."

The struggle before following Jesus

Fishers of Men - Rhonda Vincent

Rise and follow me
I'll make you worthy
Rise and follow me
I'll make you fishers of men.

Rise and follow me
I'll make you worthy
Rise and follow me
I'll make you fishers of men.

Peter, John, and James
Could never be the same
After they heard him say
I'll make you fishers of men.

He said, Rise and follow me
I'll make you worthy
Rise and follow me
I'll make you fishers of men.
He said, Rise and follow me
I'll make you worthy
Rise and follow me
I'll make you fishers of men.

Cast your nets aside
and join the battle tide
He will be your guide
To make you fishers of men.

He said, Rise and follow me
I'll make you worthy
Rise and follow me
I'll make you fishers of men.
He said, Rise and follow me
I'll make you worthy
Rise and follow me
I'll make you fishers of men.

Jesus bore the cross
To gather in the lost
Oh what a might cost
To set us free from sin.

He said, Rise and follow me
I'll make you worthy
Rise and follow me
I'll make you fishers of men.
He said, Rise and follow me
I'll make you worthy
Rise and follow me
I'll make you fishers of men.

What Jesus did? - for February 2

Following and Family - Matthew 4:21-22

Jesus continued walking by Lake Galilee. He saw two other brothers, James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee. They were preparing their nets to catch fish. Jesus told the brothers to come with him. So the brothers left the boat and their father, and they followed Jesus. (ERV)

Key Thought
Most of the time, when a person comes to Christ, that person is more loved and more greatly appreciated by his or her family. This is because of the Lord's strong demand that we honor our fathers and mothers and not use religion to neglect our responsibilities to them. But sometimes following the Lord means we must leave behind our family, as James and John did. Our sincere hope is that Zebedee became a devoted follower of Jesus, too. But even if he was a believer, when his sons left to follow Jesus, they also left behind their father and their family business. That's giving up a great deal. But Jesus is worthy of our sacrifices. Jesus promises that we will not give up family without finding more family. The most important relationship we must have if we want to bless our family is to follow Jesus as Lord. Everything else must flow through that commitment.

Today's Prayer
O Holy Father, please help me to recognize the importance of reverencing Jesus as my Lord and placing him above all other relationships. By the grace, power, and authority of Jesus' name I pray. Amen.