vineri, mai 16, 2008

People Need The Lord

Everyday they pass me by,
I can see it in their eye;
Empty people filled with care,
Headed who knows where.
On they go through private pain,
Living fear to fear;
Laughter hides the silent cries
Only Jesus hears.

People need the Lord,
People need the Lord;
At the end of broken dreams,
He's the open door.

People need the Lord,
People need the Lord;
When will we realize
People need the Lord.

We are called to take His light
To a world where wrong is right;
What could be too great a cost
For sharing life with one who's lost?
Through His love our hearts can feel
All the grief they bear;

They must hear the Words of Life
Only we can share.

People need the Lord,
People need the Lord;
At the end of broken dreams,
He's the open door.

People need the Lord,
People need the Lord;
When will we realize
That we must give our lives,
For people need the Lord.
People need the Lord.

Made to worship

Before the day
Before the light
Before the world revolved around the sun
God on high
Stepped down into time
And wrote the story of His love for everyone

He has filled our hearts with wonder
So that we always remember

You and I were made to worship
You and I are called to love
You and I are forgiven and free
You and I embrace surrender
You and I choose to believe
You and I will see who we were meant to be

All we are
And all we have
Is all a gift from God that we receive
Brought to life
We open up our eyes
To see the majesty and glory of the King

He has filled our hearts with wonder
So that we always remember

You and I were made to worship
You and I are called to love
You and I are forgiven and free
You and I embrace surrender
You and I choose to believe
You and I will see who we were meant to be

And even the rocks cry out
And even the Heavens shout
At the sound of His holy name
So let every voice sing out
And let every knee bow down
He is worthy of all our praise

You and I were made to worship
You and I are called to love
You and I are forgiven and free, yeah
You and I embrace surrender
You and I choose to believe
You and I will see, you and I will see

You and I were made to worship
You and I are called to love
You and I are forgiven and free, yeah
You and I embrace surrender
You and I choose to believe
You and I will see who we were meant to be

Tu esti facut pentru loialitate fata de Dumnezeu

Unul din dusmanii omului: lipsa unei credinte si a unei loialitati fata de ceva dincolo de sine - ceva care da un sens ultim, o coerenta si un tel vietii.

Noi, desigur, credem ca acest ceva este cineva - adica Dumnezeu.

Dar fie de crezi ori nu crezi ca acest dincolo de sine este Dumnezeu, necesitatea fundamentala ramane aceeasi. Ca sa functionezi bine, ca sa fi felul de persoana care ar trebui sa fi, e nevoie sa crezi in Ceva dincolo de tine insuti si sa-i fi loial. De ce?

Raspunsul este ca asa ai fost facut, asa este structura fiintei tale.

Necesitatea acestei atasari si loialitati este intiparita in fiinta ta. E oare aceasta declaratia unui pastor, deci una care sa fie privita cu suspiciune?

Ei bine, iata afirmatiile facute de Dr. Jung, care nu avea prejudecati religioase. Intre Dr.Jung si un pacient a avut loc urmatorul dialog:

Dr.Jung: - Dumneata suferi de pierderea credintei in Dumnezeu si intr-o viata viitoare.

Pacientul: - Dar, domnule doctor, credeti dumneavoastra ca doctrinele acestea sunt adevarate?

Dr.Jung: - Asta nu mai tine de meseria mea. Eu sunt medic, nu preot, eu pot sa-ti spun doar ca daca iti recapeti credinta, te faci bine. Daca nu ti-o recapeti, nu te poti face bine.

De ce a spus faimosul psihiatru acest lucru? Pentru simplul motiv ca experienta il invatase ca acesta este un principiu a functionarii vietii.

Viata are nevoie de ceva situat in afara ei, in care sa-si ancoreze iubirea si loialitatea, altfel se dezintegreaza !

Eu insumi tratez sute de asemenea cazuri. Ultimul a fost acela al unei femei inteligente cu patru copii minunati si cu un sot loial si care, din cauza ca sotului nu-i placea sa mearga la biserica, a renuntat si ea sa mai mearga.

Treptat, si-a pierdut credinta in Dumnezeu, apoi si-a pierdut interesul fata de familie, apoi a cunoscut o prabusire nervoasa si in final fata de familie, apoi a cunoscut o prabusire nervoasa si in final a ajuns pe mainile psihiatrilor.

Nu are nici o boala fizica, numai ca atunci cand a disparut Dumnezeu, a disparut sensul vietii si cu aceasta intreaga viata s-a dezintegrat, fapt care a avut ca rezultat un colaps nervos.

Acum, ea L-a gasit din nou pe Dumnezeu si, deci , baza sanatatii ei. Dupa ce L-a gasit pe Dumnezeu, a putut sa doarma noaptea urmatoare si celelalte nopti fara somnifere - si asta pentru prima data dupa multe luni de zile.

O, Dumnezeule, ar putea trai oare plamanii mei fara aer, inima mea fara iubire, simtul meu estetic fara frumusete, constiinta mea fara adevar? Tot asa , eu nu pot trai fara Tine, Tu - Viata vietii mele, Tu- Sufletul sufletului meu. Iti apartin Tie prin structura, cu toata fiinta mea. Amin!

E.Stanley Jones "Viata din abundenta"