vineri, martie 28, 2008

What Jesus Did! - Fruit Checking

"Be careful of false prophets. They come to you and look {gentle} like sheep. But they are really dangerous {like} wolves. You will know these people because of the things they do. Good things don't come from bad people, the same as grapes don't come from thorn bushes.

And figs don't come from thorny weeds. In the same way, every good tree makes good fruit. And bad trees make bad fruit. A good tree cannot make bad fruit. And a bad tree cannot make good fruit. Every tree that does not make good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. You will know these false people by the fruit they make (things they do). Matthew 7:15-20 (ERV)

THOUGHT: Disciples are not to be judgmental people. This does not mean, however, that they are to be undiscerning. There is a principle designed into the fabric of our universe: the fruit produced comes from the seed planted. If we want to know about the character of people, look at the consistent fruit of their lives!

Jesus is worried about a very present danger of false teachers deceiving his disciples and leading them to disaster. He gives one simple, powerful and accurate test to use to detect false teachers: check their fruit! What kind of character is present in their lives? If it is not godly character, then they're not to be trusted. Look at the fruit of their life. Watch what they do.

PRAYER: Tender Shepherd, I know it hurts you to see us led astray by false shepherds. I ask you, O Lord my true Shepherd, please bear your fruit in me. In addition, I pray that you protect your flock from the wolves. Give me wisdom and insight to not follow a false shepherd or to be led astray by false teachers. I want to follow only you! In the name of the Lamb who was slain, I pray. Amen.

Related Scriptures:

You must do the things that show that you have really changed your hearts and lives. - Matthew 3:8

But the Spirit gives love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, - Galatians 5:22

"I am the vine and you are the branches. If a person continues in me and I continue in that person, then that person will make much fruit. But without me that person can do nothing. If a person does not continue in me, then he is like a branch that is thrown away. That branch dies. People pick up dead branches, throw them into the fire, and burn them.

"Continue in me and follow my teachings. If you do this, then you can ask for anything you want, and it will be given to you. You should make much fruit and show that you are my followers. This brings glory to my Father. - John 15:5-8

He carries you day by day!

Psalmul 68:19

Traducerea Cornilescu:

" Binecuvântat să fie Domnul,
care zilnic ne poartă povara,
Dumnezeu, mîntuirea noastră. -(Oprire). "

Traducere Ortodoxa:

" Domnul Dumnezeu este binecuvântat,

binecuvântat este Dumnezeu zi de zi;
să sporească între noi,
Dumnezeul mântuirii noastre. "

Traducere NIV:

" Praise be to the Lord,
to God our Savior,
who daily bears our burdens. Selah"

Traducere NASB:

" Blessed be the Lord,
who daily bears our burden,
The God who is our salvation. Selah. "


" Blessed be the Lord —
day after day he carries us along.

He's our Savior, our God, oh yes!
He's God-for-us, he's God-who-saves-us. "

Traducere AB:
" Blessed be the Lord,

Who bears our burdens

and carries us day by day,

even the God Who is our salvation!

Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!"

Traducere NLT:

" Praise the Lord; praise God our savior!

For each day he carries us in his arms.

Interlude "