duminică, martie 16, 2008

What Jesus Did! - Only One #1

"No person can serve two masters at the same time. He will hate one master and love the other master. Or he will follow one master and refuse to follow the other master. So you cannot serve God and Money at the same time.
- Matthew 6:24 (ERV)


Who will I let rule my life? With whom will my ultimate allegiance lie? When an ultimate choice has to be made, on what basis will it be made? What am I pursuing most passionately with my use of time, talents, and treasure?
There is only one correct answer according to Jesus; that one true answer is our Father in heaven. Giving our devotion to anything else, or to anyone else, means that what we pursue on earth is destined for decay, death, or destruction. In the strongest terms possible, Jesus reminds us that money can't be our god if we want to serve the Lord God Almighty. It's either our Father in heaven, or not. All our energies should be channeled to honor him, or not.


Holy and Almighty God, I come before you in humility, acknowledging your greatness and majesty. I want to live with you, and your Kingdom, as my number one priority. Help awaken me to the things that I may place in my heart that rival you as God. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Related Scriptures:

"I am the Lord your God. I led you out of the land of Egypt where you were slaves. {So you must obey these commands:} "You must not worship any other gods except me. - Exodus 20:2-3

It is the same for each of you. You must decide if you can leave everything you have to follow me. If not, you cannot be my follower! - Luke 14:33

You can be sure of this: No person will have a place in the kingdom of Christ and of God if that person does sexual sins, or does evil things, or is a person who always wants more and more for himself. A greedy person like that is serving a false god. - Ephesians 5:5

2 comentarii:

Ana-Maria spunea...

Adica : "Pentru a putea umbla pe apa, trebuie sa cobori din barca " ! John Ortberg...indiferent care este acea barca ce iti confera siguranta.

In cazul acesta : za money, cariera, acumularea de averi, case, bani, masini, piscine, yahturi, etc. ... just be free like an eagle to serve the Lord of your heart, the Lord of heaven and earth, One and the Only One God !!!

Ana-Maria spunea...

..because He promised to take care of you and your needs :

Mat 6:33 "Cautati mai intai Imparatia lui Dumnezeu si neprihanirea LUI, si toate aceste lucruri {hrana, imbracaminte, apa etc.} vi se vor da pe deasupra."