Dacă stelele mai pot dărui lumină... dacă cerul mai are lacrimi... dacă timpul mai îngăduie suflare... E pentru că Dumnezeu vrea să-ţi şoptească:
„Ai mare preţ în ochii Mei ! " El va şterge orice lacrimă din ochii lor. Şi moartea nu va mai fi. Nu va mai fi nici tânguire, nici ţipăt, nici durere, pentru că lucrurile dintâi au trecut.
Apocalipsa 21:4
Don't make a vow using the name of the earth, because the earth belongs to God. Don't make a vow using the name of Jerusalem, because that is the city of the great King (God). And don't even say that your own head is proof that you will keep your vow. You cannot make one hair on your head become white or black. Say only 'yes' if you mean yes, and say only 'no' if you mean no. If you must say more than 'yes' or 'no,' it is from the Evil One (the devil). - Matthew 5:35-37 (ERV)
Don't break your word! In the Kingdom Family of God, the truth is insured by our integrity, not by something artificial outside us. We shouldn't have to swear to insure our word! But Jesus carries it one step further when he tells us: Don't swear on an oath to guarantee your word. Let the truthfulness of your speech be the standard mode in which you live, not something that has to reach out and grab for reliability in something external.
Almighty and dependable God, I want to be a person of integrity. I want my words to be true. I want people to be able to trust my word when I give them my word. Please give me strength and courage to not exaggerate, lie, break my word, or stretch the truth. As your child, blessed by the many promises you have kept, I want to bless others by keeping my word. In Jesus' holy name I pray. Amen.
Related Scriptures:
My brothers and sisters, it is very important that you not use an oath when you make a promise. Don't use the name of heaven, earth, or anything else to prove what you say. When you mean yes, say only "yes." When you mean no, say only "no." Do this so that you will not be judged guilty. - James 5:12
Many people call a person"friend." But it is really hard to find a person that can really be trusted. - Proverbs 20:6
No! We will speak the truth with love. We will grow to be like Christ in every way. Christ is the head {and we are the body}. - Ephesians 4:15
Daca arunci mai multe seminte, imposibil sa nu incolteasca macar una! "****Aceasta fraza m-a dus cu gandul la versetul urmator: "Dimineata, seamana-ti samanta, si pana seara nu lasa mana sa ti se odihneasca, fiindca nu stii ce va izbuti, aceasta, sau aceea, sau daca amandoua sunt deopotriva de bune " Eclesiastul 11:6 "
"Tot ce NU are un fundament solid este in aer, nu rezista."**** Completarea mea: e intelept asadar sa ai o temelie care sa fie durabila, pe care nimeni si nimic sa nu o poata clatina...nici macar timpul...si atunci o concluzie corecta te duce la gandul ca ai nevoie de o temelie vesnica, neclintita: cea mai buna alegere este sa alegi pe Hristos ca temelie a vietii tale. De ce? Pentru ca El insusi a spus despre Sine ca este : "Adevarul" - asadar nu poate fi clatinat....ba chiar mai mult decat atat : Isus Insusi este : "Viatza" insasi....iar referitor la vesnicie: ""Eu sunt Alfa si Omega, Inceputul si Sfarsitul," zice Domnul Dumnezeu, Cel ce este, Cel ce era si Cel ce vine, Cel Atotputernic. " Apocalipsa 1:8. Chiar David spune inspirat de Duhul lui Dumnezeu:" Inainte ca sa se fi nascut muntii, si inainte ca sa se fi facut pamantul si lumea, din vesnicie in vesnicie, Tu esti Dumnezeu!" Psalmul 90:2
"Gandesti mult lucrezi putin. Gandesti putin lucrezi mult." - bun sfat. Dar daca mai intai te rogi si Il chemi pe Dumnezeu sa te ajute, atunci vei primi intelepciunea si puterea necesara pt a face acel lucru intr-un mod intelept si cel mai eficient.
Abia astept sa vad ce mai spun profesorii mei. Notitele le-am luat in timpul cursurilor, seminariilor, in micile pauze dedicate odihnirii mainilor si a creierului. :)
"You have heard that it was said to our people long ago, 'When you make a vow (promise), don't break that promise. Keep the vows (promises) that you make to the Lord.' But I tell you, never make a vow. Don't make a vow using the name of heaven, because heaven is God's throne. - Matthew 5:33-34 (ERV)
THOUGHT: When we promise God something, he expects us to keep our word. It doesn't matter what the cultural view of truth and lying is, we are to be honest before God and with each other. In a way, it is ridiculous to try to live in any other way. After all, God knows our heart, our intentions, and our actions. He will hold us to our promises whether anyone else does or not! So let's make sure our word is genuine and that we don't need to pile up a bunch of other "flowery" language or culturally appropriate expletives to prop up our commitments. If we say we'll do it, then let's do it!
PRAYER: Father in heaven, please forgive me for the times I have not kept my word. Stir in me a passion for faithfulness and trustworthiness. Make me a person who can be counted upon to follow through with what I say. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Related Scriptures:
If you make a promise to God, then keep your promise. Don't be slow to do the thing you promised. God is not happy with foolish people. Give God what you promised to give him. It is better to promise nothing than to promise something and not be able to do it. - Ecclesiastes 5:4-5
"When you make a promise to the Lord your God, don't be slow to pay all that you promised. Why? Because the Lord your God will demand that you pay it. You will sin if you don't pay the things you promised. If you don't make a promise, then you are not sinning. But you must do the things you say you will do. If you make a special promise to God, then you chose to make that promise. God did not force you to make that promise. So you must do the thing you promised! - Deuteronomy 23:21-23
The Lord hates people who tell lies. But the Lord is happy with people who tell the truth. - Proverbs 12:22
Eu simt ca nu mai am rabdare E ca si cum as sti Ca vii, In dimineata urmatoare Eu nu inteleg De ce mai stau De ce aripile-mi de zbor Nu le dezleg, Izbavitor, Sa 'nalt pe veci nemuritor Sa fiu in spatiul Tau, intreg.
Si toate gandurile-mi fug Catre intoarcerea spre casa... As vrea sa merg, dar simt in mine O forta care nu ma lasa Eu, Doamne-Ti cer sa Te intorci Din plaiul Tau La noi, in hau, Sa-Ti smulgi copilul dintre porci. Sau eu ma-ntorc?! Si nu mai stiu?! E drumu-ntoarcerii prea lung Si parca-mi pare prea pustiu.
Tu-mi numeri pasii-ntr-un tarziu, Sa inteleg, cand n-am rabdare, Ca si Tu esti in asteptare.
Si Duhul Tau, dar si Mireasa Sunt una-n simt si una-n gand: "Ne pregateste, Doamne, casa Si-ntoarce-Te cat mai curand!"
It was also said, 'Any person that divorces his wife must give her a written notice of divorce.' But I tell you that any person that divorces his wife is causing his wife to be guilty of the sin of adultery. The only reason for a person to divorce his wife is if his wife had sexual relations with another man. And any person that marries that divorced woman is guilty of the sin of adultery. - Matthew 5:31-32 (ERV)
The prophet Malachi said it forcefully, "God hates divorce!" Jesus' words here are equally emphatic. Jesus' condemnation is specifically directed to men because they were the only ones in Jewish culture in Jesus' time who could divorce a marriage partner. A woman was left with few options other than remarriage or poverty. While God hates divorce, Jesus' ministry demonstrates God's love for those broken by it (cf. John 4). In fact, God hates divorce because of the brokenness it creates in the lives of those involved and the loss of character in one or both parties that often causes divorce. Because of their love for God, husbands and wives have as their goal two key things: (1) loving each other and (2) learning faithfulness through their relationship with each other. By pursuing a loving relationship and remaining faithful sexually, they are guarding themselves against divorce and honoring God by maintaining their covenant with him and with each other. In an age where promiscuity and sexual indiscretion run rampant, we must heed the call to sexual purity and loving commitment so that divorce can be prevented and its devastation avoided.
Holy and faithful God, please help me keep my heart loyal and true. I want to be a person of character. Empower me by your Spirit to stay free of sexual sin and to be faithful in the commitments I make. Holy God, if I am married, I pray that you not only keep me from divorce, but that you also lead me to a life of loving service with my marriage partner. In addition, dear Father, please strengthen and bless those that I know who are in marriage distress and ransom their marriage from impending divorce. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Related Scriptures:
You can cry and cover the Lord's altar with tears, but the Lord will not accept your gifts. The Lord will not be pleased with the things you bring to him. You ask, "Why are our gifts not accepted by the Lord?" Why? Because the Lord saw the bad things you did--he is a witness against you. He saw you cheat on your wife. You have been married to that woman since you were young. She was your girlfriend. Then you made your vows to each other--and she became your wife. {But you cheated on her}. God wants husbands and wives to become one body and one spirit. Why? So they would have holy children. So protect that spiritual unity. Don't cheat on your wife. She has been your wife from the time you were young. The Lord God of Israel says, "I hate divorce. And I hate the cruel things that men do. So protect your spiritual unity. Don't cheat on your wife." - Malachi 2:13-16
I tell you that any person that divorces his wife and marries another woman is guilty of the sin of adultery. The only reason for a person to divorce and marry again is if his first wife had sexual relations with another man." - Matthew 19:9
Now I give this command for the married people. (The command is not from me; it is from the Lord.) A wife must not leave her husband. But if a wife leaves her husband she must not marry again. Or she should go back together with her husband. Also the husband must not divorce his wife. - 1 Corinthians 7:10-11
If your right eye makes you sin, then take it out and throw it away. It is better to lose one part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into hell. If your right hand makes you sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell. - Matthew 5:29-30 (ERV)
Although treated as an antiquated concept in much of Western society, sin is very much a concern to Jesus. Sin is dangerous because it harms us in our walk with God. Sin is dangerous because, through us, it can cause others to sin. Sin is dangerous because our sin directly hurts others. Sin is disastrous because it separates us from God. Jesus wanted to get his disciples' attention. He wanted us to know that sin is horrid and dangerous. So he uses language that is best described as hyperbole to shock us into realizing that we must deal with sin in our lives.
We must deal with it seriously and get rid of it.
Jesus elsewhere emphasizes that sin is what comes from the heart and causes the actions on the outside. It seems to me unwise to think he is speaking literally here since he goes to great lengths to emphasize that mere external changes don't create lasting change in us. What is needed is an internal change that works itself out into the external lifestyle. Just because God is gracious doesn't mean he takes sin lightly. We must never presume upon grace and use it as an excuse to keep falling back into the same old sinful failures. Jesus wants us to deal with the sin in our lives today.
Holy and righteous Father, I do not want to take my own sin lightly. Neither do I want to let it defeat me. Please empower me to put to death the misdeeds of the body as you promised. Please help me keep from taking my sin lackadaisically. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Related Scriptures:
- Colossian 2:21-23
It is the evil things a person wants that tempt that person. His own evil desire leads him away and holds him. This desire causes sin. Then the sin grows and brings death. - James 1:14-15
But the bad things a person says with his mouth come from the way a person thinks. And these are the things that make a person wrong. All these bad things begin in a person's mind: evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual sins, stealing, lying, saying bad things against other people. - Matthew 15:18-19
In acest video este si povestea impresionanta a celui care a scris versurile cantarii "It is well with my soul"... impresionant...iar mai jos, mai multe detalii despre aceasta. Lectura placuta si benefica sufletului tau! :)
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, with my soul, It is well, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
It is well, with my soul, It is well, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
It is well, with my soul, It is well, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul, It is well, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul.
“Praise the Lord, O my soul.” Psalm 146:1
Psalm 46:1-3 Psalm 46:1-3
Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed. Psalm 103: 1-6
Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
Horatio Gates Spafford 1828-1888
Born: October 20, 1828, North Troy, New York. Died: October 16, 1888, Jerusalem, Israel, of malaria.
The prophet Isaiah records that, God keeps in perfect peace all who trust in Him. (Isa. 26.3).Nowhere is this truth more aptly illustrated than in the story which accompanies the writing of the hymn "It Is Well With My Soul".
Text Author and Hymn-Writer Horatio G. Spafford
Spafford was born on October 20, 1828 in North Troy, New York. He was a successful lawyer in Chicago who maintained a keen interest in Christian activities, deeply spiritual and devoted to the scriptures.
Sometime in 1871, a fire in Chicago heavily devastated the city, and months before that , Spafford had invested hugely in real estate by the shore of Lake Michigan. The disaster greatly wiped out his holdings. Before the fire, Spafford also experienced the loss of his son.
Two years after the fire, Horatio Spafford planned a trip to Europe for him and his family. He wanted a rest for his wife and four daughters, and also to assist Moody and Sankey in one of their evangelistic campaigns in Great Britain. He was not meant to travel with his family. The day in November they were due to depart, Spafford had a last minute business transaction and had to stay behind in Chicago. He still sent his wife and four daughters to travel as scheduled on the S.S. Ville du Havre, expecting to follow in a few days. On November 22, the ship laden with his wife and daughters was struck by the Lockhearn, an English vessel, and sank in few minutes.
After the survivors were finally landed somewhere at Cardiff, Wales, Spafford's wife cabled her husband with two simple words, "Saved alone." Shortly after, Spafford left by ship on his way where his beloved four daughters had drowned, and pen at hand, wrote this most poignant text so significantly descriptive of his own personal grief – "When sorrows like sea billows roll..." The hymn "It is Well with My Soul" was born.
It is noteworthy that Horatio Spafford did not dwell on the theme of life's sorrows and trials, instead, focused in the third stanza on the redemptive work of Christ, and in the fourth verse, anticipated His glorious second coming. (Refer below for CyberHymnal's link)
Composer Philip Bliss
Philip P. Bliss, the hymn composer, was a prolific writer of gospel songs. He was so impressed with the experience and expression of Spafford's text that he shortly wrote the music for it, first published in one of the Sankey-Bliss Hymnals, Gospel Hymns No. 2. Shortly after writing 'It is Well With My Soul,' Bliss died in a tragic train accident.
On reflection, it is divinely amazing that one could experience such personal tragedies and sorrows as did Horatio Spafford, yet, able to say with such convincing clarity, "It is well with my soul." It is an enormous challenge to embrace the significance of this hymn.
When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul!
It is well ... with my soul! It is well, it is well, with my soul.
povestea adevarata dintr-o alta perspectiva :
It is Well with my Soul
Bertha Spafford Vester, Horatio Spafford's daughter, born in 1878 wrote the following in her book "Our Jerusalem"
In Chicago, Father searched his life for explanation. Until now, it had flowed gently as a river. Spiritual peace and worldly security had sustained his early years, his family life and his home....... All around him people were asking the unvoiced question; "What guilt had brought this sweeping tragedy to Anna and Hoaratio Spafford?" ..... Father became convinced that God was kind and that he would see his children again in heaven. This thought calmed his heart, but it was to bring Father into open conflict with what was then the Christian world........ On the way across the Atlantic, the captain called Mr. Goodwin and Father into his private cabin.
"A careful reckoning has been made," he told them, "and I believe we are now passing the place where the Ville du Havre was wrecked."
Father wrote to Aunt Rachel: On thursday last we passed over the spot where she went down, in mid-ocean, the water three miles deep. But I do not think of our dear ones there. They are safe, folded, the dear lambs, and there, before very long, shall we be too. In the meantime, thanks to God, we have an opportunity to serve and praise Him for His love and mercy to us and ours. "I will praise Him while I have my being." May we each one arise, leave all, and follow Him.
To Father, this was a passing through the "valley of the shadow of death," but his faith came through triumphant and strong. On the high seas, near the place where his children perished, he wrote the hymn that was to give comfort to so many:
When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea-billows roll, Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to know; "It is well, it is well with my soul."
Tho' Satan should buffet, tho' trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed his own blood for my soul.
My sin - oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin - not in part but the whole, Is nailed to His cross and I bear it no more; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh my soul.
And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll, The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend- A song in the night, oh my soul ! (Changed later to:"Even so - it is well with my soul.")
the following verse was added to the familiar version some time later For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live, If Jordan above me shall roll, No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life Thou shalt whisper Thy peace to my soul.
(continuing with Bertha Spafford's story);
That he could write such words at such a time was made possible by the fierceness of his struggle and the completeness of the victory.
P. P. Bliss, the predecessor of Sankey with Mr. Moody wrote the music for this hymn. "It is Well with My Soul" became famous and appeared in many hymn books; it is still sung in many Protestant churches.
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"You have heard that it was said, 'Don't do the sin of adultery.' But I tell you that if a person looks at a woman and wants to sin sexually with her, then that person has already done that sin with the woman in his mind. - Matthew 5:27-28 (ERV)
THOUGHT: In an era where adultery is considered acceptable, or at least something to be ignored, Jesus' standard of an inner-driven righteousness that transcends the call of the Law to be sexually pure seems extreme. But adultery in practice begins with adultery in the heart. More than just a look, lust is a look to have and possess. That kind of lust has already moved the heart into action to betray a holy covenant between God, a husband, and a wife. This betrayal is wrong. We must not hide behind righteous exteriors when our interior world is rotting with evil. We must deal with this lust or it will consume us.
PRAYER: O Lord God Almighty, create in me a clean heart. I want to be more like you in my character: pure, resisting things that are evil, and faithful, honoring my commitment to you and to others. Please forgive me in my times of weakness and mold me into your holy servant to be used for your glory. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Related Scriptures:
"You must not do the sin of adultery. "You must not want to take your neighbor's house. You must not want his wife. And you must not want his men and women servants, or his cattle, or his donkeys. You must not want to take anything that belongs to another person!" - Exodus 20:14,17
These false teachers have made many people suffer. So they themselves will suffer. That is their pay for what they have done. These false teachers think it is fun to do evil things openly {where all people can see}. They enjoy the evil things that please them. So they are like dirty spots and stains among you--{they bring shame to you} in the meals that you eat together. Every time they look at a woman they want her. These false teachers are always sinning this way. They lead weaker people into the trap {of sin}. They have taught themselves well to be greedy. They are under a curse. - 2 Peter 2:13-14
Marriage should be honored by all people. And every marriage should be kept pure between only two people. God will judge guilty those people who do sexual sins and adultery. - Hebrews 13:4
O multime de religii si de culte se concentreaza asupra cultivarii de sine si rezultatul este aparitia unei mari multimi de oameni doritori, dar frustrati, inaltati pentru moment, dar schiopatand tot restul vietii. De ce? Pentru ca exista o lege, formulata de Domnul Isus, care spune ca daca te concentrezi asupra ta insuti, este absolut sigur ca te vei pierde. "Oricine cauta sa-si scape viata " - concentrandu-se asupra ei, iubind-o si cultivand-o - " si-o va pierde".
Cand Petru s-a uitat la sine si la valurile din jurul sau, a inceput sa se scufunde. Numai atunci cand s-a uitat tinta la Isus, a fost in stare sa umble pe ape. Uita-te la tine insuti sau la cei din jurul tau si te vei scufunda; uita-te la Isus, si veu umbla pe apa sau pe orice altceva. Asa cum a zis cineva: "Porunceste-ti "Saliveaza!" si , dupa toate probabilitatile, vei constata ca nu salivezi - dimpotriva, exista toate sansele ca ti se va usca gura. Dar gandeste-te la o mancare delicioasa si atunci, fara sa zici nimic iti va lasa gura apa." Nu trebuie sa te gandesti la tine insuti, nici macar ca sa te "cultivi", dar gandeste-te la Isus si atunci tu vei fi cultivat. Uita-te la tine in Dumnezeu, dar priveste tinta numai la Dumnezeu.
Aceasta lege, ca numai pierzandu-ti viata o gasesti, poate fi observata pretutindeni in natura. Isus a zis: "Uitati-va la crini, cum cresc ei?" Fiind constienti de sine si ajutandu-se sa creasca si sa arate frumos? Nu, ei se uita la soare si concentrandu-se asupra soarelui, cresc si devin un miracol de frumusete. Cultul frumusetii si scolile de autoformare se autodistrug, pentru ca se zdrobesc de stanca legii lui Isus ca viata se castiga numai pierzand-o.
Singurii oameni frumosi sunt aceia care se pierd pe ei insisi intr-o mare Cauza: si ei devin frumosi datorita faptului ca au ochii atintiti in permanenta la Frumusete.
Singurii oameni fermecatori sunt aceia care te farmeca spre idealuri inalte si devin fermecatori numai in masura in care se pierd in tine si in in altii.
Prayer: O , Dumnezeule, nu mai indraznesc sa -mi atintesc privirile asupra-mi, nici chiar cand sunt in Tine. Dar mi le atintesc asupra Ta si acolo ma regasesc. Daca-mi atintesc privirile asupra TA, cresc - daca ma preocup de mine insumi, ma degradez. Asa ca acum imi voi focaliza privirile asupra Ta. Acum incep sa inteleg ce ai vrut sa spui prin cuvintele: "Daca ochiul este bun, tot trupul este in lumina". Intreaga mea fiinta este plina de lumina. Iti multumesc, TATA. Amin!
"If your enemy is taking you to court, then become friends with him quickly. You should do that before you go to court. If you don't become his friend, then he might give you to the judge. And the judge might give you to a guard to put you in jail. And I tell you that you will not leave that jail until you have paid everything you owe. - Matthew 5:25-26 (ERV)
As Jesus helps us to better understand God's intent, character, and will revealed in the Law, he also shines the light of truth into all the corners we so often try to keep hidden from him. Jesus moves from our human sense of worship into matters of everyday life with his radical call for reconciliation with our enemies. He wants us to reconcile quickly before we get into legal proceedings with them, otherwise matters can escalate out of control and damage us as well as our influence. Jesus emphasizes the urgency of making things right. Second, as God's human children, we have always found it easy to falsely segment our lives into sacred and secular compartments, to make worship a weekly event rather than an everyday lifestyle. To keep us from thinking that reconciliation is only a "church rule" and not a "life rule," Jesus reminds us that reconciliation involves all of life, not just the "religious part." Jesus is serious about forgiveness, mercy, and reconciliation as the way of God and the lifestyle of his children.
Almighty God, please forgive me for segmenting my life into little pieces and not allowing your character and will to transform me through and through. I want you to rule over every part of my life, especially my relationships. I want to walk in harmony with my brothers and sisters and in cordial concern with those who are not part of your kingdom. Empower me to forgive and release my grievance before embarrassing my Kingdom Family or causing division in your people. In the name of the Lord Jesus I pray. Amen.
Related Scriptures:
When one of you has something against another person, why do you go to {the judges in the law courts}? Those people are not right with God. So why do you let those people decide who is right? You should be ashamed! Why don't you let God's people decide who is right? Surely you know that God's people will judge the world. So if you will judge the world, then surely you are able to judge small things {like this}. You know that in the future we will judge angels. So surely we can judge things in this life.
So if you have those disagreements that must be judged, why do you take those things to people who are not part of the church? Those people mean nothing to the church. I say this to shame you. Surely there is some person in your group wise enough to judge a complaint between two brothers (believers)! But now one brother goes to court against another brother. You let men that are not believers judge their case! The lawsuits that you have against each other show that you are already defeated. It would be better for you to let someone do wrong against you! It would be better for you to let someone cheat you! -
1 Corinthians 6:1-7
God has chosen you and made you his holy people. He loves you. So always do these things: Show mercy to people; be kind, humble, gentle, and patient. Don't be angry with each other, but forgive each other. If another person does something wrong against you, then forgive that person. Forgive other people because the Lord forgave you. Do all these things; but most important, love each other. Love is the thing that holds you all together in perfect unity. Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking. You were all called together in one body to have peace. Always be thankful.
- Colossians 3:12-15
Yes, if you forgive other people for the things they do wrong, then your Father in heaven will also forgive you for the things you do wrong. But if you don't forgive the wrong things people do to you, then your Father in heaven will not forgive the wrong things you do. - Matthew 6:14-15
"So when you offer your gift to God, think about other people. If you are offering your gift before the altar, and you remember that your brother has something against you, then leave your gift there at the altar. Go and make peace with that person. Then come and offer your gift. - Matthew 5:23-24 (ERV)
When we come face to face in worship, we are forced to recognize that we stand before God as righteous and acceptable to him only because of his forgiveness, mercy, and grace. How dare we try to worship him and receive this forgiveness, mercy, and grace when we are not in a good place with others in our Kingdom family! There is an incredible consistency throughout Scripture about God's wanting us to be right with each other if we are going to be right with him. The Ten Commandments have four commands that focus on the Lord and six that focus on our relationships with each other. The prophets emphasized that God hates the worship of those who mistreat or exploit others. Jesus emphasized that we could not be forgiven if we are unforgiving. He even says that we will be judged by the same standard by which we judge others. No matter how moving, how inspiring, how "spiritual" our worship may seem, if we harbor evil against each other or have harmed another in our Kingdom family and not tried to reconcile, God will not accept our worship.
Merciful Father, forgive me for harboring grudges, saying unkind things, and being insensitive to the hurts I have caused to your children. I relinquish any grievance and give up any claim against my brothers and sisters in Christ and pledge to live with them in your Kingdom in a way that reflects your mercy and grace. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Related Scriptures:
Yes, if you forgive other people for the things they do wrong, then your Father in heaven will also forgive you for the things you do wrong. But if you don't forgive the wrong things people do to you, then your Father in heaven will not forgive the wrong things you do. - Matthew 6:14-15
"If your brother or sister does something wrong to you, go and tell that person what he did wrong. Do this alone with that person. If that person listens to you, then you have helped that person to be your brother again. But if that person refuses to listen, then go to him again and bring one or two people with you. Then there will be two or three other people that will be able to tell all that happened. - Matthew 18:15-16
Be kind and loving to each other. Forgive each other the same as God forgave you in Christ. - Ephesians 4:32
Cum iti mai merge? Desigur, Mi-as dori mult sa putem vorbi doar noi amandoi, dar stiu ca pentru aceasta niciodata nu ai timp. Am hotarat deci sa-ti scriu o scrisoare, pentru a-ti spune cat de mult te iubesc.
Te-am vazut aseara, cand discutai cu prietenii tai. Am asteptat doata ziua ; poate vei dori sa vorbesti si cu Mine. Ti-am daruit un apus minunat de soare la sfarsitul zilei si am asteptat. Insa niciodata nu ai gasit timp sa vorbim. Aceasta M-a durut, dar Eu totusi te iubesc , pentru ca sunt Prietenul tau.
Noaptea trecuta te-am privit cum dormea si si am dorit cu adroare sa-ti ating fruntea, de aceea am revrsat lumina lunii pe fatza ta. Si din nou am asteptat, dorind sa cobor la tine ca sa putem vorbi. A sosit dimineata si Eu am avut atatea daruri pentru tine, dar te-ai intors in patul tau, dorind sa-ti prelungesti macar pentru cateva clipe somnul dulce, si ai amanat intalnirea noastra.
Ca de obicei,dimineata ai timp putin. Te-ai spalat, ti-ai periat dintii cu grija, te-ai imbracat ordonat si te-ai grabit la lucru. Cand ai privit ultima data in oglinda, ai oblservat din mers Biblia pe masa si atunci inima Mea a tresarit la gandul ca vei dori sa Ma asculti. Dar ai renunat si inchizand usa dupa tine, ai plecat. Lacrimile tristetii Mele erau in ploaia de afara.
Dar totusi Eu te iubesc ! In timpul zilei am incercat sa vorbesc cu tine prin norii albi, prin albastrul cerului si prin linistea ierbii verzi. Ti-am soptit aceasta prin frunzele copacilor si ti-am spus–o bland prin splendoarea florilor. Am alergat catre tine, spunandu-ti: “TE IUBESC! ”, prin paraiasul de munte si prin minunatul cantec al pasarilor.
Odata, uimit de frumusetea si gingasia florilor ai meditat la Creatorul lor, si Eu am crezut ca acum te vei hotari sa vorbesti cu Mine. Insa un gand oarecare, se pare important pentru tine, ti-a abatut atentia.
Da, probleme, si nu putine…Insa Eu as putea sa te ajut in rezolvarea lor. Iti amintesti cand ai primit o veste trista ? O, cum am dorit atunci sa-ti sterg lacrimile ! Desi nu erai atent la Mine, ti-am trimis in dragostea Mea o adiere de vant calda si usoara, plina de miresmele naturii pentru a te mangaia in tristetea ta. Dar nici atunci nu te-ai gandit la Mine…
Seara, cand ai venit acasa, obosit dupa o zi plina de probleme, ai cinat in graba si ai pornit televizorul. Absorbit de emisiunile TV, nici nu ai observat cum s-a scurs timpul ; am sperat ca iti vei aminti de Mine. Ai mers la culcare si ultima Mea speranta de a vorbi cu tine s-a stins. Doream atat de mult sa-ti daruiesc putere, mangaiere, intelegere…
Dragul meu, cand va incepe o noua zi, cand vei fi in tumultul ei, in amurg sau in orice clipa a ei, cand iti este greu, cand esti trist si singur – aminteste-ti de iubirea Mea fata de tine. Este o iubire mai adanca decat oceanul si mai cuprinzatoare decat cele mai profunde nevoi ale inimii tale. Voi raspunde la intrebarile care de atatea ori le-ai gasit frara raspuns. Iti voi aduce linistea dupa care tanjesti de atata timp. Langa Mine vei gasi cu adevarat fericirea si vei afla pacea launtrica. Cheama-Ma si-ti voi raspunde, iti voi fi alaturi si te voi ajuta.
Eu te-am creat, te-am ales, te iubesc si te astept !
"You have heard that it was said to our people long ago, 'Don't kill any person. And any person that kills will be judged.' But I tell you, don't be angry with another person. Every person is your brother. If you are angry with other people, you will be judged. And if you say bad things to another person, you will be judged by the Jewish council. And if you call another person a fool, you will be in danger of the fire of hell. - Matthew 5:21-22 (ERV)
As religious people, it is so easy for us to feel pious and righteous when we hear of all the horrible things done in our world that are ungodly. "Thankfully I'm not one of them!" we can smugly think to ourselves. Jesus shatters all of our smugness. He tells us that he wants our righteousness to exceed that of the Pharisees and Scribes. He really means it. The next several verses will drive this point home. The character of heart described in the beatitudes is now demanded of disciples in our everyday lives. There's no room for smugness when Jesus tells us that angry hatred, slanderous gossip, or shaming speech puts us in the same category as murderers. His point? Murder starts in the heart and works its way out. These two actions are all part of the same continuum -- different by degree, not by kind.
O Lord, purge from my heart all bitterness, hatred, and venomous anger. Give me your Spirit of forgiveness and grace. I want to be pure in heart and hold nothing against those you love. Father, I don't want to poison my heart with the stains of Satan's tools of anger, judgmentalism, and disrespect. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Related Scriptures: But the Lord did not accept Cain and his offering. Cain was sad because of this, and he became very angry. The Lord asked Cain, "Why are you angry? Why does your face look sad? - Genesis 4:5-6
My dear brothers and sisters, always be more willing to listen than to speak. Don't become angry easily. A person's anger does not help him live right like God wants. - James 1:19-20
When you become angry, don't let that anger make you sin. And don't continue to be angry all day. Don't give the devil a way to defeat you. - Ephesians 4:26-27
O poveste adevarata... ca si cum ar exista si povesti neadevarate sau mai putin adevarate... De fapt, adevarul despre sufletele noastre se rosteste pe sine în foarte multe feluri si toate devin povesti mai devreme sau mai târziu.
Se spune ca în Nurnberg traiau doi prieteni cum nu se mai vazuse - mai ales în timpurile acelea întunecate de la sfârsitul secolului al XV-lea. Pe vremea aceea, când spiritul uman dadea semne ca vrea sa se rupa cu orice pret de habotnicia impusa de o biserica menita mai mult sa dezbine decât sa uneasca, prietenia era o forma prin care sufletele asemenea se sustineau întru desavârsire.
Cei doi prieteni aveau amândoi 16 ani si amândoi primisera un har deosebit de la Dumnezeu. harul de a surprinde prin taina desenului atât viata, cât si moartea, atât vazutul, cât si nevazutul. Tinerii erau dornici sa învete si sa se împlineasca în arta. Visau cu ardoare sa ajunga chiar ca idolul lor, Leonardo DaVinci, si pentru asta erau gata sa faca totul. Dar visul lor era departe de a se putea împlini cu usurinta, caci erau tare saraci - pe cât de mare le era harul, pe atât de mici le erau avutiile pamântesti.Într-o seara, pe când erau amândoi în atelierul pe care îl împarteau frateste, unul din ei spuse, privind la doua gravuri abia terminate.
- Frate, noi trebuie sa mai învatam. Gravura pe care am facut-o eu acum nu este perfecta, mai am multe de adaugat talentului meu. Gravura ta, în schimb, este mult mai aproape de perfectiune. Talentul tau este copt, asa ca mi-a venit o idee. Eu voi munci si voi accepta orice comanda, voi face mobila, voi sculpta pietre funerare, voi picta portrete... orice. Asa voi strânge banii necesari ca tu sa mergi la scoala în Italia pentru a-ti desavârsi arta. Apoi te vei întoarce si ma vei ajuta si pe mine sa merg la scoala.
.- Dar nu pot sa încuviintez asa ceva, zise celalalt. Nu ne-am despartit niciodata pâna acum si a fost bine. De ce vrei acum sa facem asta? Amândoi avem talent si amândoi avem dorinta apriga de a merge la scoala. Sacrificiul tau ma onoreaza si ma face sa îti cer sa mergi tu primul la scoala.
- Nu, Albrecht, vei merge tu primul, fiindca esti mai talentat si vei avea nevoie de mai putin timp pentru a-ti însusi noile cunostinte. Eu am foarte multe de învatat, iar tu ai munci o viata pâna as termina eu scoala. Asa ca voi munci eu, pâna când tu vei fi cunoscut. Asa e mai usor pentru amândoi.
Tânarul pe nume Albrecht a fost coplesit de nobletea gestului prietenului sau, mai ales ca stia ca talentul amândurora era egal. Asa ca a acceptat plin de recunostinta si a plecat la scoala. Pretul studiilor lui a fost însa foarte mare. Prietenul lui a acceptat muncile cele mai de jos pentru a strânge banii de care Albrecht avea nevoie la scoala.
Timpul a trecut si, dupa sapte ani de munca grea si de o parte si de alta, Albrecht se întoarse la prietenul lui cu foarte multi bani si cu dorinta sincera de a-l ajuta sa mearga la scoala, ca sa aiba si el o viata împlinita si îmbelsugata. Era seara când s-a întors. S-a apropiat de casa cea saracacioasa si mai întâi privi pe fereastra, ca sa vada cum mai arata prietenul lui.Acesta se ruga în genunchi în fata unei lumânari ieftine. Îngenunchease pe podeaua rece si rostea rugaciune dupa rugaciune, cu glas cald.
La lumina tremurânda a lumânarii, Albrecht vazu mâinile prietenului sau si înmarmuri. Erau doua mâini noduroase, muncite, scrise cu multe rani si lovituri, mâini de apostol întru ale desavârsirii aproapelui. Îsi dadu seama cu nemasurata tristete ca prietenul lui nu mai putea merge la scoala cu mâinile acelea jertfite, ca nu va mai putea tine penelul cu finetea necesara unor tablouri, si nici instrumentele de gravura nu vor mai putea fi mânuite cu usurinta, caci mâinile tremurau în rugaciune de atâtia ani de munca...
Astepta pâna ce prietenul lui îsi termina rugaciunea si batu la usa. Usa se deschise larg, iar prietenul lui se bucura peste masura de revedere.
- Acum vei merge tu la scoala, zise Albrecht, si vei duce o viata fara griji. Este rândul tau.Prietenul lui nu zise nimic, doar îsi privi în liniste mâinile muncite. - Dragul meu, mâinile acestea nu mai pot tine penelul, dar te pot îmbratisa cu bucurie. Îti multumesc ca te-ai întors si, mai ales, ca ai devenit cel care esti acum. Eu nu mai pot merge la scoala. Însa sunt multumit, fiindca mi-am gasit rostul în fiecare lucru ce mi-a iesit din mâini cu voia lui Dumnezeu.Albrecht îi ceru încuviintarea prietenului sau de a-i desena mâinile asa cum le vazuse în rugaciune. Asa s-au nascut "Mâinile de apostol" de Albrecht Durer.-_-_-_-_-
Fie sa gasesti mereu în jurul tau prieteni! Fie ca orice gest facut pentru ei sa fie însotit de gândul ca uneori pentru ca unii sa se desavârseasca, altii trebuie sa se jertfeasca - jertfa însotita de rugaciune e binecuvântata si aduce bucurie.Iar amintindu-ti de mâinile muncite împreunate în rugaciune, fie sa poti primi smerit gesturile de iubire pe care prietenii tai le fac pentru tine!
+comentariul lui Burac Petru: Frumos exemplu de daruire. Atunci cand iubesti ai initiativa sa daruiesti. Asa si Isus ne-a iubit El mai intai si acum noi putem privi la mainile Lui care au cele mai puternice urme, urmele de cuie de la Calvar. Acum noi putem intra la scoala lui Dumnezeu. El a platit pentru noi TOTUL. (resursecrestine.ro)
In Christ alone my hope is found He is my light, my strength, my song This Cornerstone, this solid ground Firm through the fiercest drought and storm What heights of love, what depths of peace When fears are stilled, when strivings cease My Comforter, my All in All Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh Fullness of God in helpless babe This gift of love and righteousness Scorned by the ones He came to save ?Til on that cross as Jesus died The wrath of God was satisfied For every sin on Him was laid Here in the death of Christ I live
There in the ground His body lay Light of the world by darkness slain Then bursting forth in glorious Day Up from the grave He rose again And as He stands in victory Sin?s curse has lost its grip on me For I am His and He is mine Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt of life, no fear in death This is the power of Christ in me From life?s first cry to final breath Jesus commands my destiny No power of hell, no scheme of man Can ever pluck me from His hand ?til He returns or calls me home Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
I tell you that you must do better than the teachers of the law and the Pharisees. If you are not better people, then you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 5:20 (ERV)
Jesus repeatedly and even deliberately enters into conflict with the Pharisees and Scribes in Matthew's Gospel. Why? Why are Jesus' most scathing denunciations directed at those most recognized as the religious in his society? Jesus is concerned because God's truth often got lost in their arguments over theoretical and picky religious subjects. Their goal seemed to revolve around trying to justify themselves and their actions without displaying the righteousness and grace of God. Jesus wants his disciples to demonstrate the intent of the Law in our lives.He wants us to display the heart and character of God as his children in our daily lives. He wants his disciples to be a new generation that has living the righteousness and grace of God as its consuming passion.
Father, I want to be righteous. I want to live my life in a way that reflects your love for the lost, your compassion for the broken, your passion for holiness, and your disdain for hypocrisy. I know that this holy life is not possible on my own, so please cleanse me and make me holy by the power of your Spirit. Please bring forth the righteous character of your Son in me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Related Scriptures: - 2 Cor. 5:21 - Matt. 23:2-3, - Rom. 8:3-4
"Binecuvântările pregătite de Dumnezeu pentru tine... îţi depăşesc imaginaţia!!!" Când te vorbesc alţii de rău, trăieşte frumos, ca nimeni să nu-i creadă. Nu uita: lângă cel mai înalt punct al fericirii se află cea mai adâncă prăpastie a durerii. Cei ce umblă cu Dumnezeu nu vor fi în pas cu lumea. Fiecare vrea să trăiască pe vârful muntelui, însă toată fericirea şi creşterea vin în timp ce îl urci! "Geniul se poate forma in linistea unei biblioteci,dar taria de caracter este de multe ori rezultatul unei vieti traite pe nicovala suferintei" Richard Wurmbrand
Continua pentru Hristos...chiar daca ai fost insultat...chiar daca sentimentele tale au fost ranite...chiar daca ai ajuns la capatul puterii si vrei sa renunti...NU TE DA BATUT! Aminteste-ti de promisiunile lui Dumnezeu!
Te poţi ridica la înălţimile cunoaşterii numai coborând întâi în valea închinării.-Richard Wurmbrand-
" Ori de câte ori m-am încrezut în mine am avut îndoieli faţă de ceilalţi. Ori de câte ori m-am încrezut în ceilalţi am avut îndoieli faţă de mine. Numai când m-am încrezut în Dumnezeu am ajuns la convingerea căci El este singurul demn de încredere. Cornel Stelian Popa
"A-ti pune credinta decat in propriul sine necesita un oarecare curaj:insa cei ce si-au pus credinta in Dumnezeu pot marturisi ca acest lucru le-a dat in schimb pace si un curaj mai mare..."
"Buna dimineata!EU sunt DUMNEZEU! Astazi,Ma voi ingriji de toate problemele tale. Te rog,aminteste-ti ca nu am nevoie de ajutorul tau! Daca cel rau se intampla sa iti trimita o situatie in care sa nu te poti descurca,nu fi ispitit sa o rezolvi tu insuti.Schimba-i adresa si trimite-o la randul tau in cutia de scrisori a Domnului ISUS! Odata ce ai pus problema in cutia LUI,nu te mai gandi la ea si nu fi ispitit sa o iei inapoi.Gandindu-te sau impovarandu-te cu ea,nu-ti va aduce nici o rezolvare! Daca este o situatie pe care esti capabil sa o rezolvi,te rog consulta-Ma in rugaciune ca sa fi sigur ca ai gasit rezolvarea potrivita! Pentru ca EU nu dorm si nici nu atipesc,nu este nevoie ca tu sa nu dormi noaptea.Odihneste-te,copilul Meu!Daca ai nevoie sa Ma contactezi,EU Ma aflu doar la o distanta de rugaciune.Dandu-Mi Mie problema ta,toate lucrurile vor fi bune si vei putea merge mai departe!"
Răbdarea te face să stăruieşti pe calea desăvârşirii, chiar dacă Dumnezeu întârzie să-ţi facă acest dar.-Richard Wurmbrand-
"Cât de grea ar fi povara, o porţi mai uşor când îi adaugi răbdare."-Richard Wurmbrand -
"In adâncimi de suferinţă se naşte perla-nţelepciunii,desăvârşită-i prin credinţă şi prin puterea rugăciunii." -Richard Wurmbrand-
Nimeni nu-si cunoaste destoinicia pana n-o pune la incercare."Nu pot" te tine in noroi,insa "incearca"scoate capul din groapa. Pentru "incearca"nici un deal nu este prea greu de urcat,nici un pamant prea tare de arat, nici un camp prea mlastinos sa fie uscat, nici o groapa prea adanca sa nu poata fi astupata, nici o scoala prea grea,sa nu poata fi absolvita!!!
"Poti fii sigur ca daca umbli cu El, privesti la El si astepti ajutor de la El, El NICIODATA nu-ti va insela asteptarile!" G. Mueller
Cand stii ca esti print, nu te mai porti ca un cersetor! Cand stii ca esti ales nu te mai simiti un nimenea in drum! Cand stii ca esti prieten al Mirelui nu te mai comporti ca un rob Cand stii ca ai statutul de fiu al Regelui nu te mai injosesti la o traire de rand, ci cu fata senina, zambind, privind tot inainte...TU te inalti ca un vultur...stai la vedere ca o cetate pe un deal si luminezi in jur Ca sa stie lumea: ,,TU ESTI FIU DE DUMNEZEU!''
A person should obey every command, even a command that does not seem important. If a person refuses to obey any command and teaches other people not to obey that command, then that person will be the least important in the kingdom of heaven. But the person that obeys the law and teaches other people to obey the law will be great in the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 5:19 (ERV)
Jesus did not come to abolish the Law. His disciples cannot set aside the Law simply because they don't like it or it is inconvenient. Jesus is trying to help them to a greater righteousness and holiness. While this can be received only by grace, Jesus emphasizes grace must not mean rewriting God's will for character and holiness so the standards are lower. This is especially true of those who teach others about God's will. The last thing we want to do is promise an easy Gospel with no demand when God has set the character, faith, ministry, life, and service of Jesus as our standard. We do not want to make the way for others more difficult to follow, nor do we want to be the source of their drifting off the path either. In sharing the Gospel, we want to share the truth: God's will, revealed through his Word by the Holy Spirit.
Father of all truth, I come to you now wanting to know Your will and wanting even more to put it into practice. Please help me discern what Your truth is and then live it each day in my life. I want to obey all Your will and not just the parts that are easy to fulfill. May I wholly live in Your love and care. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Related Scriptures: - Matt. 18:6-7 Why? Because you know that these things are testing your faith. And this will give you patience. - James 1:3
"Daca stelele mai pot darui LUMINA,daca cerul mai are LACRIMI,daca timpul mai ingaduie SUFLARE este pentru ca DUMNEZEU vrea sa-ti soptesca:AI MARE PRET IN OCHII MEI!"
"Ai castigat,sau ai pierdut! Nu te opri din drumul inceput. LUPTA!!! ...sperand ca intr-o zi,tot ce doresti se va-mplini. Regreta doar timpul pierdut, tot ce puteai sa faci si...n-ai facut!"
Itell you the truth. Nothing will disappear from the law until heaven and earth are gone. The law will not lose even the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter until all has happened. - Matthew 5:18 (ERV)
The intent of Jesus' teaching is to shift the focus away from a strict, appearance of adherence of the Law, and rivet our attention on the heart of the Lawgiver. The validity of the Law's truth is enduring down to the last detail. But that truth is found in Jesus, one who lived in perfect obedience and righteousness before God. As the verses that follow indicate, Jesus does not lessen the intent of the Law, but gives it flesh and blood, compassion and mercy, power and depth. His words will never pass away! Grace is not about diminished expectations, but about power, motivation, and salvation. But salvation is more than salvation from past sin or even salvation to heaven at the end of time. Salvation is about being protected from the ravages of sin's punishments and consequences because Jesus' mercy and grace have motivated and empowered us to obey God's will and so fulfill the intent behind every letter of the Law.
Almighty and glorious God, who lives in inapproachable light, I praise you for your glory and grace. I pledge to you, dear Father, that I will not take that grace for granted or trample on its gift. At the same time, I ask you to empower and lead me with your Holy Spirit to do your will and honor your grace with a life that is holy, and wholly, yours. Through the name of the Lord I pray. Amen.
Related Scriptures: - Matt. 24:35 - 1 Pet. 1:25
Lord, your words are like a lamp lighting my path. - Psalm 119:105
Geneza 18:14 Este oare ceva prea greu pentru Domnul?
Deuteronomul 3:24 "Stăpâne Doamne! Tu ai început să arăţi robului Tău mărirea Ta şi mâna Ta cea puternică; căci care este dumnezeul acela, în cer şi pe pământ, care să poată face lucrări ca ale Tale şi să aibă o putere ca a Ta?
Mighty is our God Mighty is our King Mighty is our Lord Ruler of everything
Glory to our God Glory to our King Glory to our Lord Ruler of everything
His name is higher Higher than any other name His pow'r is greater For He has created everything
(repeat two verses and bridge)
Mighty is our God Mighty is our King Mighty is our Lord Ruler of everything Ruler of everything Ruler of everything MIGHTY IS OUR GOD
Mighty is our God Mighty is our King Mighty is our Lord Ruler of everything
Glory to our God Glory to our King Glory to our Lord Ruler of everything
His name is higher Higher than any other name His pow'r is greater For He has created everything
(repeat two verses and bridge)
Mighty is our God Mighty is our King Mighty is our Lord Ruler of everything Ruler of everything Ruler of everything
Minunata melodie....o ascultam inainte de BAC...parca ma incarcam in timp ce o ascultam. Ma ajuta sa mentin ritmul... :) In timp ce asculti aceasta melodie inalta-ti gandul si sufletul spre Dumnezeu si spune-i tot ce ai sa Ii spui. Imi place sa vorbesc cu Dumnezeu avand in fundal melodii minunate ca aceasta... Multumesc Doamne si pentru aceasta melodie.:)
"Don't think that I have come to destroy the law {of Moses} or the {teaching of the} prophets. I have not come to destroy their teachings. I came to give full meaning to their teachings. - Matthew 5:17 (ERV)
THOUGHT: Jesus' statement is shocking! To the devoted Jewish believer, nothing was more sacred than the Law. But Jesus comes and says he is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. In other words, he is claiming that the goal of Scripture is found in him. This incredibly audacious claim of Jesus leaves no middle ground. He is either self-deluded or he must be taken seriously. If we are to understand the heart, the character, the holiness, the righteousness, and the will of God, Jesus claims that we must look to him. He embodies and completes what the Law had as its goal. He didn't come to offer some cheapened form of grace (cf. Jude 4 & 2 Tim. 3:2-5). Instead, God wants us to look to Jesus and see what he intended in his Law -- he wanted to benefit us with his righteousness and bring us closer to him!
PRAYER: Holy and Righteous God, thank you for sending Jesus. While I can read and understand your demands for character, holiness, and righteousness in your Law, in Jesus I see more fully your call to me to be righteous. Please, dear Lord, work your work of salvation, and conform me to the character of Christ. In the name of my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. (by Phil Ware)
for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
The kingdom of this world is become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever and He shall reign for ever and ever and He shall reign for ever and ever and He shall reign for ever and ever
King of Kings, for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! and Lord of Lords, for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
King of Kings, for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! and Lord of Lords, for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
King of Kings, for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! and Lord of Lords, for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and He shall reign for ever and ever and He shall reign for ever and ever
King of Kings for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
and He shall reign for ever and ever, for ever and ever, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and He shall reign for ever and ever,
King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
The composer was in despair. Struggling to earn a living in London, he knew days when he could not afford to buy meals. One night in 1741, depressed and defeated, he wandered the lonely streets; it was almost dawn when he returned to his shabby room. On a table was a thick envelope. It was from Charles Jennens, the man who wrote his librettos. Examining the pages, he found them covered with Scripture texts.
Wearily, he tossed the pages aside and crawled into bed. But he could not sleep. The words he had read returned to him:
Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people, saith your God ... The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light ... For unto us a Child is born ... Glory to God in the highest ... Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Too stirred to sleep, he got up and went to his piano. The music flowed from his heart-rich, majestic, triumphant. He began to write. Night and day for three weeks, he wrote feverishly. He forgot sleep, food, rest. He refused to see anyone. At last, on the day the work was finished, one friend managed to gain entrance.
The composer was at his piano, sheets of music strewn around him, tears streaming down his face. "I do believe I have seen all of Heaven before me, and the great God Himself," he exclaimed.
Millions of people have been able to believe that. The first audience to hear the composition -- in Dublin in 1742 --gave it the greatest ovation in the city's history. Weeks later, London heard it for the first time, and again it was a triumph. The King was so impressed during the Hallelujah Chorus that he rose to his feet -- a custom that still prevails.
This Christmas, in churches and concert halls around the world, millions of people will once again find hope and faith in the message what has become the most beloved composition of all times --
George Frederic Handel's Messiah.
Handel's "Messiah" is a great work for orchestra, chorus and soloists. The text is taken from the Bible and forms a dramatic commentary on the whole prophecy and fullfillment of the redemption of man. It is in three parts:
~ ~ ~ Part I ~ ~ ~ The prophecy and coming of the Messiah. ~ ~ ~ Part II ~ ~ ~ The redemption of mankind through the sacrifice of Jesus.
~ ~ ~ Part III ~ ~ ~ Thanksgiving for the ultimate defeat of death through faith in the kingdom of God.
The most famous movement is the "Hallelujah" chorus, which concludes the second of the three parts. The text is drawn from three passages in the New Testament book of Revelation:
And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. (Revelation 19:6) And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. (Revelation 11:15) And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. (Revelation 19:16)
In many parts of the world, it is the accepted practice for the audience to stand for this section of the performance. Tradition has it that King George II rose to his feet at this point.
As the first notes of the triumphant Hallelujah Chorus rang out, the king rose. Royal protocol has always demanded that whenever the monarch stands, so does everyone in the monarch's presence. Thus, the entire audience stood too, initiating a tradition that has lasted more than two centuries. It is lost to history the exact reason why the King stood at that point, but the most popular explanations include:
As was and is the custom, one stands in the presence of royalty as a sign of respect. The Hallelujah chorus clearly places Christ as the King of Kings. In standing, King George II accepts that he too is subject to Lord of Lords. He was so moved by the performance that he rose to his feet. He arrived late to the performance, and the crowd rose when he finally made an appearance.[8]
His gout acted up at that precise moment and he rose to relieve the discomfort. After an hour of musical performance, he needed to stretch his legs.[9] There is a story told (perhaps apocryphally) that Handel's assistant walked in to Handel's room after shouting to him for several minutes with no response. The assistant reportedly found Handel in tears, and when asked what was wrong, Handel held up the score to this movement and said, "I have seen the face of God".[citation needed]
Because this piece is so often heard separately from the rest of Messiah, it has become popularly known as "The Hallelujah Chorus", which, like "The Messiah", is not entirely correct usage. "(the) Hallelujah chorus" or "'Hallelujah' chorus from Messiah" is more appropriate.
Cartea aceasta a legii să nu se depărteze de gura ta; meditează asupra ei zi şi noapte, căutând să faci tot ce este scris în ea; căci atunci vei izbândi în toate lucrările tale, şi atunci vei lucra cu înţelepciune. Iosua 1:8
Cel care prin puterea Sa a intemeiat muntii, Cel incins cu tarie, care potoleste urletul marilor, urletul valurilor lor si zarva popoarelor! [...]Tu faci sa cante de bucurie venirea diminetii si a serii. Psalmul 65:6-8
Nu ţi-am dat Eu oare porunca aceasta: ,Întăreşte-te şi îmbărbătează-te? Nu te înspăimânta şi nu te îngrozi, căci Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, este cu tine în tot ce vei face." Iosua 1:9
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Cea mai frumoasa rugaciune este " Doamne fa din mine ceea ce vrei TU ! Doamne cea mai mare bucurie este sa faci ceva din viata mea. Pentru Gloria Ta. " T.I.A.
Totul vine la timp pentru cel ce stie sa astepte. - Joseph Villele
Ganduri pentru acest an 2009
Fie ca in ANUL in care ai intrat: * taria lui Dumnezeu sa te conduca... * puterea lui Dumnezeu sa te tina... * intelepciunea lui Dumnezeu sa te calauzeasca... * viziunea lui Dumnezeu sa te lumineze... * urechea lui Dumnezeu sa te asculte... * mana lui Dumnezeu sa te sprijineasca... * bratul lui Dumnezeu sa te apere in calatoria vietii... * duhul Lui sa te umbreasca... * binecuvantarile lui Dumnezeu sa te insoteasca ...!!! :)
Cine ?
Eclesiastul 2
25 Cine, în adevăr, poate să mănânce şi să se bucure fără El?
26 Căci El dă omului plăcut Lui înţelepciune, ştiinţă şi bucurie; dar celui păcătos îi dă grija să strângă şi s-adune, ca să dea celui plăcut lui Dumnezeu! Şi aceasta este o deşertăciune şi goană după vânt.
El isi toarna Duhul peste cei ce I se supun complet. Rob - cel ce renunta la voia lui in favoarea voiei altuia.
Desfa-ti mana Si lasa ce ai in ea Ca sa poti apuca Lucrurile minnate ale voii Lui. Da marginitul ca sa ai nemarginitul Lui.
"Cei mai mulţi oameni nu sunt satisfăcuţi cu rezultatele concrete ale vieţii lor.
Nimic nu poate satisface deplin viaţa lui Hristos existentă în urmaşii Săi decât adoptarea scopului lui Hristos referitor la lumea pe care El a venit s o izbăvească. Faima, plăcerea şi bogăţiile sunt doar pleavă şi cenuşă în comparaţie cu bucuria nemărginită şi durabilă de a lucra cu Dumnezeu pentru împlinirea planurilor Sale eterne.
Acei ce pun tot ce au în slujirea lui Hristos se bucură de cele mai dulci şi nepreţuite răsplătiri pe care le poate oferi viaţa." J. Campbell White
*in omniscienta Lui este telul cautarii noastre dupa cunoastere,
*in fiinta Lui perfecta este refugiul de orice teama,
*in sfintenia Lui este adevarata temelie a cautarii noastre dupa dreptate,
*in dragostea Lui infinita este ratiunea sperantei noastre de mantuire,
*in creativitatea Lui infinita este atat sursaimaginatiei noastre creative cat si frumusetea absoluta pe care cautam sa o reflectam cand cream noi insine
James W. Sire
Un verset la care sa meditam :
Astazi si intotdeauna vom crede Promisiunea lui Dumnezeu din 2 Corinteni 12:9:
Traducerea Cornilescu: " Şi El mi -a zis: ,,Harul Meu îţi este de ajuns; căci puterea Mea în slăbiciune este făcută desăvîrşită.`` Deci mă voi lăuda mult mai bucuros cu slăbiciunile mele, pentruca puterea lui Hristos să rămînă în mine. "
Traducere Ortodoxa: " Şi mi-a zis: Îţi este de ajuns harul Meu, căci puterea Mea se desăvârşeşte în slăbiciune. Deci, foarte bucuros, mă voi lăuda mai ales întru slăbiciunile mele, ca să locuiască în mine puterea lui Hristos. "
Traducere NIV: " But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."
TraducereTM:( vs 9 si 10) " My grace is enough; it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ's strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become. "
Traducere AB:
" But He said to me,
My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully];
for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness.
Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities,
that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!"