vineri, martie 12, 2010

Just go!

11 Martie
-„Iosua a zis poporului: "Sfintiti-va, caci mîine Domnul va face lucruri minunate în mijlocul vostru."” Iosua 3:5 -

Dumnezeu doreste sa faca lucruri incredibile în viata ta, chiar lucruri care tie îti pot parea imposibil de realizat. Iar în versetul de azi exista dovada acestei afirmatii.

Problema descoperita la majoritatea crestinilor din zilele de azi este ca fiecaruia ne place sa stam într-o stare de confort si de siguranta. De obicei nu ne palce sa iesim din aceasta zona de confort, desi a fi crestin nu implica totdeauna confort si siguranta.

Dar pentru a putea merge pe urmele Sale, Dumnezeu ne cere deseori sa pasim afara din aceasta zona. Iar în momentul în care faci acest pas, nici nu stii ce lucruri minunate poate face Domnul Isus în si prin tine.

Daca în aceste momente crezi ca e practic imposibil ca Dumnezeu sa faca lucruri nemaipomenite prin viata ta, asculta-ma doar într-o singura privinta. Tot ceea ce trebuie sa împlinesti este sa faci acest prim pas al credintei. Dumnezeu nu-ti va cere niciodata sa faci lucruri pe care tu singur nu le-ai putea împlini. El îti da putere pentru tot ceea ce îti cere. El este cel care îti va trasa calea pe care trebuie sa mergi, îti va ghida pasii si va deschide drumul înaintea ta.

Astazi vreau sa te încurajez sa fii pregatit din punct de vedere spiritual, emotional si fizic pentru „aventurile” pe care ti le-a pregatit Dumnezeu. Fa-ti timp sa citesti si sa studiezi Cuvîntul lui Dumnezeu, sa îi vorbesti prin rugaciune si sa îl cauti zi de zi.

Iar, atunci cînd vei fi pus în fata a ceea ce pare imposibil, adu-ti aminte ceea ce ni se spune în Matei 6: 33: „Cautati mai întîi Împaratia lui Dumnezeu si neprihanirea Lui, si toate aceste lucruri vi se vor da pe deasupra.”


God speaks

"Am gasit pe David.. om dupa inima Mea" (Faptele Apostolilor 13:22)

Unele promisiuni de la Dumnezeu se împlinesc repede. Dar pentru altele, ca cea pe care Dumnezeu i-a facut-o lui David potrivit careia urma sa devina rege, trebuie sa te lupti, iebusitii controlau Ierusalimul si îl tachinau pe David spunând: "Sa nu intri aici" (2 Samuel 5:6). Pentru a înrautati si mai mult situatia, Ierusalimul era situat pe o ridicatura de câteva sute de metri deasupra armatei lui David.

Singurul drum în sus era printr-un bazin de apa prin care trebuiau sa treaca si apoi sa urce printr-un întuneric bezna. "Dar David a pus mâna pe cetatuia Sionului" (2 Samuel 5:7). Trebuie sa întelegi un lucru: daca va fi nevoie, Dumnezeu te va duce si prin mocirla pentru a te urca pe tron! Sa remarcam cuvintele "dar" si "a pus". Când te-ai afundat pâna la gât în probleme, iar dusmanul îti spune: "Nu vei reusi", încrede-te în Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu si spune: "Dar". Ridica-te prin credinta si proclama ceea ce ti-a promis Dumnezeu: "Dar aceia din popor, care vor cunoaste pe Dumnezeul lor, vor ramâne tari, si vor face mari ispravi" (Daniel 11:32). Dumnezeu îti poate arata cum sa exploatezi situatia pentru binele tau si spre gloria lui Dumnezeu.

Sa nu te astepti ca toata lumea sa se bucure de succesul tau. "Filistenii au aflat ca David fusese uns împarat peste Israel, si s-au suit toti sa-l caute" (2 Samuel 5:17). Va trebui sa te lupti ca sa-ti împlinesti destinul - dar va trebui sa te lupti si ca sa-l pastrezi. Nu te poti odihni pe vechile victorii. Cu fiecare noua batalie trebuie sa primesti instructiuni proaspete. "David a întrebat pe Domnul: "Sa ma sui împotriva Filistenilor? Îi vei da în mâinile mele?" Si Domnul i-a zis lui David: "Suie-te, caci voi da pe Filisteni în mâinile tale" (2 Samuel 5:19). Astazi, mergi înainte, stiind ca Dumnezeu este cu tine.(Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu pentru astazi)

miercuri, martie 10, 2010

Self Discipline

Am gasit ceva ce cautam si voi mai cauta: poate ca va vor fi si voua de folos. :) Luati doar ce e bun de aici ;).


June 5th, 2005 by Steve Pavlina

This week I’ll be blogging a series on self-discipline. New posts on this topic will appear every day Mon-Fri. I’ve also added a new self-discipline category.

I’ve already written about 20 pages on self-discipline for my upcoming book, including what it is and how to develop it. I’ll share some of those ideas in this series, focusing on what I call the five pillars of self-discipline.

The Five Pillars of Self-Discipline

The five pillars of self-discipline are: Acceptance, Willpower, Hard Work, Industry, and Persistence. If you take the first letter of each word, you get the acronym “A WHIP” — a convenient way to remember them, since many people associate self-discipline with whipping themselves into shape.

Each day of the series, I’ll explore one of these pillars, explaining why it’s important and how to develop it. But first a general overview….

What Is Self-Discipline?

Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action regardless of your emotional state.

Imagine what you could accomplish if you could simply get yourself to follow through on your best intentions no matter what. Picture yourself saying to your body, “You’re overweight. Lose 20 pounds.” Without self-discipline that intention won’t become manifest. But with sufficient self-discipline, it’s a done deal. The pinnacle of self-discipline is when you reach the point that when you make a conscious decision, it’s virtually guaranteed you’ll follow through on it.

Self-discipline is one of many personal development tools available to you. Of course it is not a panacea. Nevertheless, the problems which self-discipline can solve are important, and while there are other ways to solve these problems, self-discipline absolutely shreds them. Self-discipline can empower you to overcome any addiction or lose any amount of weight. It can wipe out procrastination, disorder, and ignorance. Within the domain of problems it can solve, self-discipline is simply unmatched. Moreover, it becomes a powerful teammate when combined with other tools like passion, goal-setting, and planning. (Puteti citi mai departe dand click aici)

Alte citate extrase: Being healthy is hard work. Finding and maintaining a successful relationship is hard work. Raising kids is hard work. Getting organized is hard work. Setting goals, making plans to achieve them, and staying on track is hard work.

To keep your muscles strong or your mind sharp, you need to challenge them. To do only what’s easy will lead to physical and mental flabbiness and very mediocre results, followed by a great deal of time and effort spent justifying why such flabbiness is OK, instead of stepping up and taking on some real challenges.

Tackling challenges builds character, just as lifting weights builds muscle. To avoid challenge is to abandon one’s character development.

Now it’s natural that we’ll tend to avoid what’s painful, so if we see challenge as purely painful, we’ll surely avoid it. But in so doing, we’re avoiding some very important character development, which by its very nature is often tremendously challenging. So we must learn to fall in love with challenge instead of fearing it, just as a bodybuilder can learn to love the pain of doing “one more rep” that tears down muscle fibers, allowing them to grow stronger. If you avoid the pain, you miss out on the growth. This is true both for building muscles and for building character.

You become accustomed to spending more time outside your comfort zone. Hard work is something you look forward to because you know that it will lead to tremendous growth. And you eventually develop the maturity and responsibility to understand that certain goals will never just flow into your life; they’ll only happen if you act as the driving force to bring them to fruition.

If you want to achieve some really big and interesting goals, you have to learn to fall in love with hard work. Hard work makes the difference. It’s what separates the children from the mature adults. You can keep living as a child and desperately hoping that life will always be easy, but then you’ll be stuck in a child-like world, working on other people’s goals instead of your own, waiting for opportunities to come to you instead of creating your own, and doing work that in the grand scheme of this world just isn’t important.

When you learn to embrace hard work instead of running from it, you gain the ability to execute on your big goals, no matter what it takes to achieve them.

You blast through obstacles that stop others who have less resolve. But what is it that gets you to this point? What gets you to embrace hard work?


When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It’s a necessity. If your life has no real purpose, then you can avoid hard work, and it won’t matter because you’ve decided that your life itself doesn’t matter anyway. So who cares if you work hard or take the easy road? But if you’ve chosen a significant purpose for your life, it’s going to require hard work to get there — any meaningful purpose will require hard work.

You have to admit to yourself then that the only way this purpose is going to be fulfilled is if you embrace hard work. And this is what takes you beyond fear and ego, beyond the sniveling little child who thinks that hard work is something to run away from. When you become driven by a purpose greater than yourself, you embrace hard work out of necessity. That child gets replaced by a mature adult who assumes responsibility for getting the job done, knowing that without total commitment and lots of hard work, it’s never going to happen.

Show me a person who avoids hard work, and I’ll show you someone who hasn’t found their purpose yet. Because anyone who knows their purpose will embrace hard work. They’ll pay the price willingly.

If you want to make a difference in the world, then hard work is the price. There are no shortcuts.

Purpose and hard work are buddies. Purpose is the why. Hard work is the how. Purpose is what turns labor into labor of love. It transmutes the pain of hard work into the higher level pleasure of dedication, commitment, resolve, and passion. It turns pain into strength, eventually to the point where you don’t notice the pain as much as you enjoy the strength.

Self-discipline requires that you develop the capacity to put in the time where it’s needed. A lot of messes are created when we refuse to put in the time to do what needs to be done — and to do it correctly. Such messes range from a messy desk or cluttered email inbox all the way down to an Enron or Worldcom. Big mess or small mess — take your pick. Either way a significant contributing factor is the refusal to do what needs to be done.

How many problems do you have on your to do list right now that can be solved with the simple application of industry? Sometimes you don’t need to be particularly creative or clever about it — a brute force solution will do. But it’s easy to get stuck in a pattern of wishing that a brute force solution wasn’t necessary. It’s tedious. It’s boring. It’s not that important anyway. And yet it still needs to be done.

Disciplining yourself to be industrious allows you to squeeze more value out of your time. Time is a constant, but your personal productivity is not. Some people will use the hours of their day far more efficiently than others.

Despite all the technology and gadgets we have available that can potentially make us more efficient, your personal productivity is still your greatest bottleneck. Don’t look to technology to make you more productive. If you don’t consider yourself productive without technology, you won’t be productive with it — it will only serve to mask your bad habits. But if you’re already industrious without technology, it can help you become even more so. Think of technology as a force multiplier — it multiplies what you already are.

Persistence is the ability to maintain action regardless of your feelings. You press on even when you feel like quitting.

When you work on any big goal, your motivation will wax and wane like waves hitting the shore. Sometimes you’ll feel motivated; sometimes you won’t. But it’s not your motivation that will produce results — it’s your action. Persistence allows you to keep taking action even when you don’t feel motivated to do so, and therefore you keep accumulating results.

If you’re growing at all as a human being, then you’re going to be a different person each year than you were the previous year. And if you consciously pursue personal development, then the changes will often be dramatic and rapid.

In order to make room for new goals, we have to delete or complete old ones.

Persistence of action comes from persistence of vision. When you’re super-clear about what you want in such a way that your vision doesn’t change much, you’ll be consistent in your actions. And that consistency of action will produce consistency of results.

sâmbătă, martie 06, 2010

Are you a slave of Christ Jesus ?

Pur si simplu m-a coplesit predica asta: de aceea primiti cu ingaduinta si bucurie sa impartasesc cu voi bucuria mea. E incredibil: tot ce vedem in jur, tot ce auzim - MINCIUNA!!! Si lumea umbla si traieste in minciuna...pentru mine asta e atat de contrastant: ADEVARUL care il are in centru pe Christos, pe Dumnezeu si voia Lui, Imparatia Lui, in totala opozitie fata de MINCIUNA lumii, a stapanitorului lumii acesteia. INCREDIBIL! Nu incetez sa ma uimesc de ceea ce traiesc eu si de ceea ce vad in jurul meu. Nu reusesc sa ma minunez destul de cat de contrare sunt afirmatiile lui Dumnezeu cu cele ale lumii, si cat de nebuni suntem atunci cand alegem sa traim si sa gandim ca aceia care L-au dat afara pe Dumnezeu din viata si gandirea lor...INCREDIBIL!!! Nu-mi vine sa cred ca tot ce vad in jur e nebunie si minciuna....totul e minciuna...totul ... Nu incetez sa ma uimesc....E atat de trist...atat de trist...atat de trist... :(.

Va recomand din inima sa va faceti timp sa ascultati predica asta de Paul Washer. Eu trebuie sa o mai ascult de cateva ori. :)

miercuri, martie 03, 2010

My thoughts are not your thoughts

My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. " As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV

No matter how hard we try to perceive the awesomeness of God, he is still God and we are not. We must forever remember that the original, and still primary, sin was to try to become like God in terms of knowledge and understanding. We are to know God, but we can never fully know everything about him. We are to take on his character, but we cannot approach his majesty, righteousness, or holiness on our own. This is both exciting and frustrating. But, the promise remains that one day we will be like him and see him as he is (1 John 3:1-3) and know fully even as we are fully known (1 Corinthians 13:11-12). *(Sursa)

marți, martie 02, 2010

De ce canta pasarile noaptea?

Poluarea fonica din zonele urbane impiedica pasarile sa-si gaseasca perechea. Unele pasari si-au schimbat orele de cantat, iar altele au inceput sa cante mai tare.

Huruitul picamarelor, claxoanele masinilor, zgomotele provenind de la marile platforme industriale, adica poluarea fonica din marile aglomerari urbane afecteaza starea de sanatate a oamenilor, dar produce si schimbari iremediabile in bioritmul pasarilor care traiesc in orase.

In incercarea de a face fata vacarmului, unele au inceput sa ridice volumul melodiilor cu cateva note, iar altele si-au schimbat orele de sustinere a repertoriului.

Daca pana acum, cer­cetatorii si-au axat studiile asupra impactului pe care poluarea chimica si cea luminoasa le au asupra pasarilor, ei au descoperit, mai nou, ca efectele poluarii sonore sunt cele mai puternice, conform unui articol publicat in revista "NewScientist". In vacarmul creat de trecerea tirurilor si a camioanelor pe strazi sau de sunetul infernal al claxoanelor, in oras rar mai poate fi auzit cantecul pasarelelor.

Daca la sate, oamenii se trezesc in corul zecilor de pasari care populeaza zona, la oras, cantecul privighetorilor devine, "rara avis". Astfel "suna" viitorul marilor asezari umane, conform predictiei mai multor oameni de stiinta care au studiat ce impact are poluarea fonica asupra speciilor de pasari care traiesc la oras.

Victime sigure ale pradatorilor

Cercetatorii au ajuns la concluzia ca, pentru unele pasari, vacarmul urban poate fi fatal. Poluarea fonica poate masca semnele care prevestesc apropierea pradatorilor si a celor care avertizeaza pasarelele asupra unui potential pericol la care se expun. Mai mult decat atat, poluarea sonora poate fi un obstacol in calea procesului de reproducere a indivizilor, in conditiile in care, in functie de frumusetea cantecului, femelele isi aleg masculii sau prin cantec ele isi marcheaza teritoriul.

Viata pasarilor se schimba

Din cauza poluarii fonice, pasarile ar putea suferi unele modificari genetice care vor determina o distinctie neta intre speciile urbane si cele rurale.

Impactul zgomotului asupra vietii pasarilor devine din ce in ce mai evident. Unele pasari nu se mai pot face auzite in zarva neincetata din mediul urban si sunt puse in situatia de a parasi orasele. Astfel se explica de ce in unele parcuri europene, care cu ceva vreme in urma erau vizitate de zeci de specii de pasari, acum nu mai vine aproape niciuna.

Totusi exista unele pasari care, pentru a se adapta noilor conditii de trai, si-au schimbat modul de comunicare. Ba mai mult, specialistii cred ca, in acest context, pe termen lung, este posibila evolutia altor specii. In orice caz, daca intensitatea zgomotului va creste in continuare, inevitabil, viata pasarilor care taiesc in orase se va schimba iremediabil.

Unele au inceput sa cante noaptea

Cateva schimbari au si avut loc deja. De exemplu, unele pasari si-au schimbat orele de cantat. Richard Fuller de la Universitatea Sheffield din Marea Britanie a descoperit ca macaleandrul nu mai canta la ivirea zorilor asa cum se intampla inainte, ci, mai nou, isi sustine repertoriul in timpul noptii. Initial, schimbarea a fost pusa pe seama poluarii luminoase, pasarile ajungand sa confunde ziua cu noaptea. Dar, in urma unor studii indelungate, Fuller si-a dat seama ca principalul vinovat pentru modificarea bioritmului pasarelelor este poluarea sonora.

Altele canta mai tare

Zburatoarele au incercat sa se adapteze noilor conditii de viata, ridicand intensitatea sunetului din melodiile lor cu cativa decibeli.

Pe de alta parte, privighetorile au ales alta cale de a face fata zgomotului. Ele au inceput sa cante, pur si simplu, mai tare. Henrik Brumm de la Universitatea St. Andrews din Marea Britanie a inregistrata cantecul privighetorilor, intre orele 5 - 10 dimineata, in zgomotosul Berlin.

El a constatat ca intensitatea sunetului era mai puternic cu 14 decibeli decat cel al suratelor lor din paduri, ajungand astfel la o intensitate a sunetului de 95 de decibeli, suficient incat sa se faca auzite. Alaturi de privighetori, si alte pasari, precum mierla, vrabia si pitigoiul au inceput sa cante mai tare pentru a-si face si ele auzit glasul.

Studiile continua

Totusi daca unele pasari au reusit sa se adapteze noului mediu, altele nu o pot face. Cucul sau lacarul au un cantec cu o frecventa a sunetului destul de joasa si le este practic imposibil sa ridice vocea. In cel mai bun caz, ele parasesc orasele. Dar, chiar si in cazul pasarilor care au reuait sa-ai adapteze vocea la poluarea fonica, schimbarea nu este totuai gratuita. Pentru a canta mai tare, ele depun un efort mai mare, ceea ce presupune un consum crescut de energie din partea lor, ceea ce, cu siguranta, nu va ramane fara rezultat.

Pasarile se adapteaza noilor conditii

Sunt pasari care invata intreg repertoriul inca din cuib, altele insa si-l modifica in decursul vietii. Acestea din urma stiu mai multe "arii" decat au nevoie si o aleg pe cea mai buna, in functie de context. "Analizand" care cantec se potriveste cel mai bine unei anumite situatii, pasarile pot invata din experienta si se pot astfel adapta conditiilor locale.

"Aceasta flexibilitate dovedeste ca indivizii sunt capabili sa se adapteze la diverse conditii naturale", a spus Hans Slabbekoorn, cercetator la Universitatea Leiden din Olanda. El a dat exemplul pasarilor care traiesc in apropierea cascadelor si care sunt nevoite sa-si regleze vocea astfel incat sa se poata face auzite chiar si in aceste situatii speciale. Acelasi fenomen are loc si in cazul pasarilor care sunt nevoite sa suporte zgomotul provocat de activitatile oamenilor.

Speciile vor suferi modificari genetice

Oamenii de stiinta spun ca, pe termen lung, este posibil ca pasarile care traiesc in orase sa sufere unele modificari genetice, in conditiile in care cantecul lor are un rol deosebit in procesul de reproducere al indivizilor. Cantecul este prima caracteristica sexuala, in functie de care femelele isi aleg masculii. De aceea, este posibil ca mai tarziu, femelele sa-si aleaga masculii, nu atat dupa frumusetea notelor, cat dupa intensitatea lor.

In plus, exista posibilitatea ca, peste cativa ani, pa­sarile de la oras sa nu mai gaseasca atractiv cantecul rudelor lor de la tara. Acest factor ar putea produce o distinctie neta intre speciile de pasari ur­ba­ne si cele rurale. Aceasta nu este o simpla speculatie. Cativa oa­meni de stiinta cred ca mierla europeana care traieste la oras s-a diferentiat deja de mierla care traieste in zonele mai putin zgo­motoase, atat in ceea ce priveste cantecul, cat si forma corpului. (Sursa: