miercuri, aprilie 30, 2008

Failing to Wait

"And I will bless her, and indeed I will give you a son by her. Then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall come from her." Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, "Will a child be born to a man one hundred years old?

And will Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?" And Abraham said to God, "Oh that Ishmael might live before Thee!" But God said, "No, but Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; and I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him." (Genesis 17.16-19).

If you are sensitive to the word 'failure,' more than likely you have faced a lot of criticism in your life. Failure is one word these people stay far away from. They often are perfectionists. They don't dare to fail. Some of it is that they don't want to face criticism but more of it might come from the sense of need to prove how good they are. "I'll show them how good I can be." But not everyone can always succeed. Sometimes even the perfectionists fail. If their pride is burst, then they can feel totally worthless.

We often think God treats us in ways that we have been treated by our parents. How fortunate we have in Abraham's life how God deals with failure in our lives. Abraham failed to wait upon God, a mess developed, and yet God helped him back up again to keep waiting until the promise was fulfilled.


Abraham stopped waiting. He had a son by another woman. The reasons for this were many.

Abraham had waited a long time for the fulfillment of God's promise to him. Years and years went by as people laughed behind his back about God's promised son to him. And even when he did take that bold step of going into his wife's handmaid, his wife encouraged him to do it. (1)

So Sarai said to Abram, “Now behold, the LORD has prevented me from bearing children. Please go in to my maid; perhaps I shall obtain children through her.” And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. (Genesis 16.2)

Abraham and Sarah were past time to bear children and had given up waiting upon God. But once they took the matter into their own hands, they actually failed God. This not only brought a lot of extra turmoil into his marriage but brought long lasting consequences. Ishmael was born and from him arose Israel's permanent enemy right up to this day. (2)


God didn't leave Abraham in his failure. After he failed God, the Lord in His goodness clarified matters. Even after a good while, Abraham still saw the fulfillment of the promise in Ishmael. But God rejected Abraham's assertion and instead reinstituted and clarified the promise.

"Abraham said to God, "Oh that Ishmael might live before Thee!" But God said, "No, but Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; and I will establish My covenant with him..." (Genesis 17:19).

They again were positioned to wait for God's timing of fulfillment.

We can see through this that God was training Abraham and Sarah in faith. They of course thought God's promise would have been fulfilled long ago. But God knew even when He gave the original promise that it would be many years later before it was fulfilled. However, He put no time clause in it.

He never told Abraham. God was more interested in developing Abraham's faith rather than protecting him from scoffing. When the real test came to offer up Isaac, Abraham passed with flying colors. God brought a host of blessings into this world through that faith of Abraham.

Then the angel of the LORD called to Abraham a second time from heaven, and said, "By Myself I have sworn, declares the LORD, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son, indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens, and as the sand which is on the seashore;

and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies. "And in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice." (Genesis 22:15-18).

God was looking for that faith and found it. We can further learn from this that even if we have failed to wait as God wanted, we should get up, pick up the pieces, and by God's grace He will give us another try at it. He is our Father and is training us. But oh, may we live and not fail. We have enough bad consequences surrounding our lives that we need not any more!

Waiting On God Not Man

Waiting on God is the special process through which the Lord causes our eyes to turn to Him for help in time of need. By extending the duration or distress of our trial even a little bit, our weaknesses become apparent.

It is at this point our hearts become desperate, our faith is proved, and our hope is purified. The process is so common that the phrase "Wait upon the Lord" or "Waiting on God" is regularly used. We need to wait on God for a spouse, for a job, for healing, for wisdom, for ministry, etc. We might say that it is Satan tempting us, and in some cases he is, but at the same time it is God who is testing (proving) us. He is bringing us a step closer to Himself.

Waiting on God is a crucial step in which our dependence upon God grows. Without this deeper awareness of God in our lives, God restrains Himself from giving us more grace. Blessing without humbling brings increased susceptibility to temptation. This is the reason growth comes with tests. Humility keeps us from pride which makes us selfishly ambitious where we would otherwise forget the Lord.

Waiting for the Lord is not
easy. Our heart is often crying out in agony. We feel oppressed and constrained. We yearn for freedom and provision. Waiting upon the Lord for needed supplies is one common area in which He trains us. We have to be needy so that we are forced to look to the Lord for help. Our other resources are stripped away. Someone yesterday said to me, "But I don't like what the Lord is bringing me through." How true this is. We squirm, squiggle and squeak.

Waiting upon the Lord are times in which we do not have resources, answers, or direction. Instead we are often confused, poor, broken and limited. Our hope is focused on what happens after that season of humility, where we will experience a period of God's blessing. If we live by confidence in our own resources and abilities, will we not become self-confident? What glory does that bring to God?! But through this process, God enables us to depend upon Him so that we know it is only He who does wonderful things in our lives.

Ultimately then, waiting upon God protects us, deepens our trust in Him, forces us to seek His ways and brings Him the most glory. They are times the Lord is testing whether we are really seeking Him and His ways.

I can remember experience after experience where I have cried out to God for help and deliverance. When going through those times, I think that if I could just get out of this one pit all would be well. However, not long after the Lord delivers me from one set of problems, I find myself in another whole set of problems. And again I am seeking His help with the same kind of desperate prayer.

It began to dawn on me that God has carefully planned out these 'pauses' in life in order to renew, strengthen, humble and focus us on God. This is much like the recommendation that one go around a fruit tree and cut off its roots - shocking it so that it will grow stronger and healthier roots. In this respect 'Waiting upon the Lord' is similar to pruning.


Waiting upon God is exercising confidence
in God's timing and help during difficult times.

Confidence in God not in my own resources

Steps to Waiting on God

Isaiah 38

  • Trust
    If we do not trust God, then we will get bitter. We will believe His love or doubt it. This is the ultimate test. The testing forces us to make an important decision on how we will relate to the Lord. If we believe the Lord doesn't care for us, then we will turn to despair (I am doomed), self-help books (own resources) or bitterness.

  • Previous trust is important to establish a trust decision during a crisis. Hezekiah made this trust decision. He turned to God rather than away from Him. If we can't clearly think at such a time, just remember to turn toward the Lord.

  • Reject
    We must consciously turn away from using other resources that we could turn to. We need to reject paths without God. The text is silent about this. But from this silence, we see that Hezekiah did not pull our his kingly reserves and see what could be done. This is because he believed God's message. Hezekiah would die. This was the end of his life.

    He realized that he had nothing else to trust in. He could have tested God's Word by seeking medical help or the sage of philosophers, but he didn't. If we are a bit confused as to what the next step is, remember that we are not to first look at our resources. We need to reject them, even consciously if needed. We need to trust in the Lord for His methods.

    • Pray
      My advice to people seeking God's will is to pray and stop thinking; pray and stop planning; pray and stop talking. Did you ever talk with someone who was willing to talk to everyone but God about his problems?!

      Prayer is prayer. We are called to talk to God about our problems so we can sense what we should do. To be true, prayer does take on many forms and means, but essentially it is talking to God about your circumstances. We need to seek the Lord in prayer. Hezekiah had two parts to his prayer.

      • He asked God to remember him.
        Hezekiah needed God to remember his own plight. No one else could change things. Does anyone believe that God did not remember his situation? I doubt it. God knows everything. We can't say He forgot someone like we sometimes do. More than this, King Hezekiah stated asked God to remember him now. He really believed the prophet's word about his impending death. His window of life was short. He needed instant action.

      • He told God about his life.
        This might sound a bit strange, but Hezekiah wanted God to remember what kind of life he had lived up to this point. If for any reason it was blocked from God's mind, Hezekiah believed his life was important enough to tell God about it. This was essentially telling God about his life and goals. He was no doubt hoping that God would reevaluate his circumstances. However, Hezekiah came short of asking God for healing. This didn't seem to make a bit of difference.

    Bitter TearHezekiah's prayer ended with bitter tears as his amen. The words he sent before God were soaked in tears from his heart. Various people will pray differently but all must pray if they are to wait upon God.

    The Lord heard his desperate prayer. He did not need to wait long on God for an answer, but He did wait. He received an additional 15 years of life.

    The principles above highlight that this waiting upon God is a process. This would not be the first or last time for him or us to wait upon God. God develops these life encounters so that we will be protected, strengthened, redirected and recommitted

    Articol preluat de aici (just clik)

    marți, aprilie 29, 2008

    You Are My Hiding Place

    You are my hiding place

    You always fill my heart
    With songs of deliverance
    Whenever I am afraid
    I will trust in You

    I will trust in You
    Let the weak say
    I am strong
    In the strength of the Lord

    luni, aprilie 28, 2008

    When you BELIEVE!!!

    A single thread in a tapestry
    Through its color brightly shine
    Can never see its purpose
    In the pattern of the grand design

    And the stone that sits on the very top
    Of the mountain's mighty face
    Does it think it's more important
    Than the stones that form the base?

    So how can you see what your life is worth
    Or where your value lies?
    You can never see through the eyes of man
    You must look at your life

    Look at your life through heaven's eyes

    A lake of gold in the desert sand
    Is less than a cool fresh spring
    And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy
    Is greater than the richest king

    If a man lose ev'rything he owns
    Has he truly lost his worth?
    Or is it the beginning
    Of a new and brighter birth?

    So how do you measure the worth of a man
    In wealth or strength or size?
    In how much he gained or how much he gave?
    The answer will come
    The answer will come to him who tries
    To look at his life through heaven's eyes

    And that's why we share all we have with you
    Though there's little to be found
    When all you've got is nothing
    There's a lot to go around

    No life can escape being blown about
    By the winds of change and chance
    And though you never know all the steps
    You must learn to join the dance
    You must learn to join the dance

    So how do you judge what a man is worth
    By what he builds or buys?
    You can never see with your eyes on earth
    Look through heaven's eyes
    Look at your life
    Look at your life
    Look at your life through heaven's eyes

    Many nights we've prayed
    With no proof anyone could hear
    And our hearts a hopeful song
    We barely understood
    Now we are not afraid
    Although we know there's much to fear
    We were moving mountains long Before we knew we could

    There can be miracles
    When you believe
    Though hope is frail It's hard to kill
    Who knows what miracle
    You can achieve
    When you believe
    Somehow you will
    You will when you believe

    In this time of fear
    When prayer so often proves in vain
    Hope seems like the summer birds Too swiftly flown away
    And now I am standing here
    My heart's so full I can't explain
    Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I'd say

    There can be miracles
    When you believe (When you believe)
    Though hope is frail It's hard to kill
    Who knows what miracle
    You can achieve (You can achieve)
    When you believe
    Somehow you will
    You will when you believe

    They don't always happen when you ask
    And it's easy to give in to your fear
    But when you're blinded by your pain
    Can't see your way safe through the rain
    Thought of a still resilient voice
    Says Love is very near

    There can be miracles (miracles)
    When you believe (When you believe)
    Though hope is frail It's hard to kill
    Who know what miracles
    You can achieve (You can achieve)
    When you believe
    Somehow you will
    You will when you believe
    You will when you believe
    You will when you believe
    Just believe
    You will when you BELIVE!

    duminică, aprilie 27, 2008

    SAMANTA biruitoare

    Geneza.3:15 Cu samanta ta vei zdrobi capul sarpelui,spune Dumnezeu Evei.

    Dragii mei, sper sa nu va suparati ca nu v-am scris fiecaruia in
    parte, dar aceasta sarbatoare trebuie sa uneasca inimile tuturor
    oamenilor, asa ca acolo la Golgota s-a varsat sangele Unicului Fiul a
    Dumnezeu care uneste pe toti cei ce-L cauta dintr-o inima curata..

    Dragii mei, ce-as putea eu care provin dintr-o samanta bolnava sa va
    despre CEL care a fost pregatit din totdeauna sa izbaveasca pe om din
    in care ne-a luat cel rau, dusmanul de moarte a Lui Dumnezeu. Totusi
    cand ma
    uit cu bagare de seama am vazut, vedem zorile diminetii sufletelor
    si nu numai. Cu ochii inimii inoite, rascumparate putem sa vedem chiar
    vesnicia. Cine Ma are pe MINE, are in el viata vesnica. ACESTA este cel
    mare dar care a venit din cer pentru omenire. Darul este la dispozitia
    omului, daca-L vrea il primeste, daca nu il respinge.

    Cineva m-a
    oare sa nu mai aiba Dumnezeu un plan de rezerva pentru omenirea aceasta care aluneca vertiginos fara oprire spre pieire ? Raspunsul a fost printr-o
    intrebare ; oare nu credeti ca este timpul sa nu mai asteptam alt plan ci sa-L invitam,sa-L primim pe Unicul Sau Fiu care s-a dat sa ne izbaveasca,fara nici o plata ?

    Dumnezeu a dat TOT ce avea mai de pret,nu mai are ce da.

    Sa ne intoarcem spre noi sa ne intrebam: Acum, ce sa fac
    Doamne cu acest Dar ? Privesc spre El si mi se umple fata de rusine ,
    vazandu-ma cum I-i ofer resturile timpului meu(care de fapt nu-i al

    Asteapta la usa inimii mele doar,doar aud si-I deschid. El Dumnezeu iar
    un nimic. Cine esti TU Doamne ? Ai strabatut Universul pentru mine,acum mi-am golit inima infometata si insetata de ani de zile nehranita,sa intri cu toate onorurile sa domnesti. Am auzit ca nimeni nu-i vrednic ca Tine,nu ai asemanare nici in cer darmi-te pe pamant! Pofteste Doamne,hai sa cinam amandoi !

    Am auzit ca TU ai biruit moartea ! Arata-Ti puterea si in
    fiinta mea,Te rog,nu mai pleca.Domneste, esti asa de frumos cum nu exista altul ca Tine.

    M-am indragostit de Tine, m-am imbolnavit de dragostea TA. Numai
    balsamul iubirii Tale ma poate vindeca,de dragul dragostei de Tine ! Acum,omenii pomenesc Numele Tau,dar nu te cunoasc, doar au auzit de Tine...cum ca ai fi...ca esti...ca ai fost... ca ai plecat... Dar eu stiu ca Rascumparatorul meu este aici in inima mea,este cu mine,si vom fii impreuna o vesnicie.

    Dragii mei, cum ar putea un om finit sa descrie Infinitul
    frumusetii Lui Dumnezeu, a caracterului Sau in care sunt cuprinse toate
    atributele Desavarsirii?

    Adevarul nu poate fii spus cu gura unui om
    limitat, si totusi mi-a dat dreptul sa fiu copilul Acestui Dumnezeu, iar
    Sau m-a facut fratele/sora Lui.

    Puterea Adevarului neanteleasa de noi, cum
    este cu putinta Doamne sa fii Atotcuprinzator, si totusi sa intri in inima mea mica murdara sa Te murdaresti de ea??

    Binecuvantat sa-Ti fie Numele,Samanta intrupata, care Te-ai
    zamislit in
    noi sa ne faci copii de Dumnezeu, sa ne indumnezeiesti. Ne-ai pecetluit
    Duhul Sfant, sa fim altfel decat lumea, sa fim ai Tai pe vecie.Cine ne
    de o asa dragoste fara asemanare...Rom 8:28-39 va rog cititi si
    cutremurati-va inaintea sfinteniei Lui Dumnezeu.Haideti sa-L onoram,
    cum se
    cuvine. E sarbatoare in cer si pe pamant !!!

    Cinstiti si onorati ADEVARUL,nu va abateti dela CALE,va duce la Viata vesnica. Aceasta Samanta a zdrobit capul sarpelui, ganditi-va ce purtati in inimile vostre, ce putere purtati in voi,cine sunteti ?

    Goliti-va de voi sa intre Imparatul sa-Si ocupe locul de onoare. A Lui sa fie slava, gloria si toata maretia, acum si in vecii vecilor Amin . EL este puntea peste care putem ajunge la tronul de Har a Lui Dumnezeu, Suveranul acestui plan de manturie.

    Haideti sa-L copiem
    si noi
    pe Fiul Lui Dumnezeu , sa facem tot ce ne spune Tatal,asa a facut El si
    este in slava la dreapta Tatalui. Nadajduim sa nu se supere daca-L

    Ce spui Doamne ? Te iubim cu inima,cu mintea si cu tot ce ai pus Tu in noi,I-Ti multumim frumos.

    Cu toata dragostea va doresc Pacea Lui Isus
    Hristos , nadejdea Lui, armonia in trupul Lui,si sanatate multa.
    Paste binecuvantat ! Sora Ana Iordache

    He´s alive

    The gates and doors were barred
    And all the windows fastened down
    I spent the night in sleeplessness
    And rose at every sound
    Half in hopeless sorrow
    And half in fear the day
    Would find the soldiers breakin' through
    To drag us all away

    And just before the sunrise
    I heard something at the wall
    The gate began to rattle
    And a voice began to call
    I hurried to the window
    Looked down into the street
    Expecting swords and torches
    And the sound of soldiers' feet

    But there was no one there but Mary
    So I went down to let her in
    John stood there beside me
    As she told me where she'd been
    She said they might have moved Him in the night
    And none of us knows where
    The stone's been rolled away
    And now His body isn't there

    We both ran toward the garden
    Then John ran on ahead
    We found the stone and empty tomb
    Just the way that Mary said
    But the winding sheet they wrapped Him in
    Was just an empty shell
    And how or where they'd taken Him
    Was more than I could tell

    Oh something strange had happened there
    Just what I did not know
    John believed a miracle
    But I just turned to go
    Circumstance and speculation
    Couldn't lift me very high
    'Cause I'd seen them crucify him
    Then I saw him die

    Back inside the house again
    The guilt and anguish came
    Everything I'd promised Him
    Just added to my shame
    When at last it came to choices
    I denied I knew His name
    And even if He was alive
    It wouldn't be the same

    But suddenly the air was filled
    With a strange and sweet perfume
    Light that came from everywhere
    Drove the shadows from the room
    And Jesus stood before me
    With his arms held open wide
    And I fell down on my knees
    And I just clung to Him and cried

    Then He raised me to my feet
    And as I looked into His eyes
    The love was shining out from Him
    Like sunlight from the skies
    Guilt in my confusion
    Dissappeared in sweet release
    And every fear I'd ever had
    Just melted into peace

    He's alive yes He's alive Yes He's alive and I'm forgiven

    Heaven's gates are open wide He's alive yes He's alive

    Oh He's alive and I'm forgiven Heaven's gates are open wide

    He's alive yes He's alive Hallelujah He's alive

    He's alive and I'm forgiven Heaven's gates are open wide

    He's alive He's alive He's alive I believe it He's alive Sweet Jesus

    vineri, aprilie 25, 2008

    The Servant King

    From heaven you came, helpless babe,
    Entered our world, your glory veiled;
    Not to be served but to serve,
    And give Your life That we might live.

    This is our God, the servant king,
    He calls us now to follow Him, to bring our lives
    As a daily offering of worship to the Servant King.

    There in the garden of tears,
    My heavy load He chose to bear;
    His heart
    with sorrow was torn,
    'Yet not My will But Yours,' He said.

    Come see His hands And His feet,

    The scars that speak of sacrifice;
    Hands that flung stars Into space

    To cruel nails Surrendered.

    So let us learn How to serve,
    And in our lives Enthrone Him;
    Each other's needs to prefer,
    For it is Christ We're serving.

    By Graham Kendrick © 1983 Kingsway's Thankyou Music.