luni, aprilie 21, 2008

What Jesus Did! - Responding to Faith

While Jesus was saying these things, a leader of the synagogue came to him. The leader bowed down before Jesus and said, "My daughter has just died. But come and touch her with your hand, and she will live again." So Jesus stood up and went with the leader. Jesus' followers went too.
- Matthew 9:18-19 (ERV)


True power meets true faith as Jesus and this leader of a synagogue meet each other. This important man shows no pretentiousness in the presence of Jesus. He bows to honor and worship him and make a request that was unthinkable.

But even though his request was unimaginable, he pursued it with the eyes of faith. In the presence of such faith, Jesus is more than happy to help just as unpretentiously as the synagogue ruler was in asking for it.


Give me a heart of faith, O God, that not only helps me see the unseen and believe the unimaginable, but also brings a blessing to you. I want to dream what is incredible knowing that you will do things much greater than I can even imagine. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Related Scriptures:

Ephesians 3:20-21
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Matthew 8:3
Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured[a] of his leprosy.

Matthew 8:15
He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him.

Doar atunci !

Daca poti aduce nadejde celor ce gem, deschizand spre revarsare inima ta plina de pace, chiar si atunci cand ranile tale sunt mai adanci ca ale lor,

Daca poti sa ramai credincios Adevarului cand toti Il hulesc, si sa nu-ti ierti nici un compromis, in mijlocul celor ce traiesc in minciuna,

Daca poti sa ierti adanc si deplin, chiar si atunci cand celalalt nu ti-o cere,

Daca blandetea si semerenia sunt coroana maririi spre care ravnesti,

Atunci poti spune "Pot totul in Christos care ma intareste!"

Atunci, Dragostea ce izvoraste din altarul inimii tale e Viata, viata ta e Lumina, lumina ta va lasa in urma-ti, dreapta si adevarata cale, pentru cei ce vor sa junga ca si tine,


Cuvantul pocainta in Noul Testament (in limba greaca metanoia) inseamna o schimbare a mintii. Trebuie sa existe o completa rasturnare de valori, o schimbare completa a gandirii in privinta a ceea ce vrei de fapt.

Versetul "Daca vrea cineva sa vina dupa Mine, sa se lepede de sine ", a fost tradus de chinezi: "Sa-si dea la o parte eul." Acest 'eu' recalcitrant, urat, incalcit, trebuie aruncat, lepadat, pierdut ca unul nou, limpezit gata de cooperare sa fie pus in locul sau.

O, Dumnezeule, eu am nevoie de un Stapan. Inlantuieste-ma in libertate- intuneca-ma in lumina - sfasie-ma in totalitate - redu-ma la tacerea care canta - goleste-ma pentru adevarata plinatate. Te rog, in Numele lui Isus. Amin!

E.Stanley Jones - "Viata din abundenta"

Multumesc Domnul meu

" Eu m-am culcat si am adormit; m-am trezit, pentru ca Domnul ma sustine. " Psalmul 3:5

"Toate izvoarele mele sunt in Tine. " Psalmul 87:7