duminică, februarie 17, 2008


Geneza 18:14 Este oare ceva prea greu pentru Domnul?

Deuteronomul 3:24 "Stăpâne Doamne! Tu ai început să arăţi robului Tău mărirea Ta şi mâna Ta cea puternică; căci care este dumnezeul acela, în cer şi pe pământ, care să poată face lucrări ca ale Tale şi să aibă o putere ca a Ta?


Mighty is our God
Mighty is our King
Mighty is our Lord
Ruler of everything

Glory to our God
Glory to our King
Glory to our Lord
Ruler of everything

His name is higher
Higher than any other name
His pow'r is greater
For He has created everything

(repeat two verses and bridge)

Mighty is our God
Mighty is our King
Mighty is our Lord
Ruler of everything
Ruler of everything
Ruler of everything

Mighty is our God
Mighty is our King
Mighty is our Lord
Ruler of everything

Glory to our God
Glory to our King
Glory to our Lord
Ruler of everything

His name is higher
Higher than any other name
His pow'r is greater
For He has created everything

(repeat two verses and bridge)

Mighty is our God
Mighty is our King
Mighty is our Lord
Ruler of everything
Ruler of everything
Ruler of everything

© 1989 Integrity's Hosanna! Music (ASCAP) (c/o Integrity Music, Inc.)
CCLI License No. 477577

Enya - The Celts

Minunata melodie....o ascultam inainte de BAC...parca ma incarcam in timp ce o ascultam. Ma ajuta sa mentin ritmul... :)
In timp ce asculti aceasta melodie inalta-ti gandul si sufletul spre Dumnezeu si spune-i tot ce ai sa Ii spui.
Imi place sa vorbesc cu Dumnezeu avand in fundal melodii minunate ca aceasta... Multumesc Doamne si pentru aceasta melodie.:)

What Jesus Did! - Fulfilled!

"Don't think that I have come to destroy the law {of Moses} or the {teaching of the} prophets. I have not come to destroy their teachings. I came to give full meaning to their teachings.
- Matthew 5:17 (ERV)


Jesus' statement is shocking! To the devoted Jewish believer, nothing was more sacred than the Law. But Jesus comes and says he is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. In other words, he is claiming that the goal of Scripture is found in him. This incredibly audacious claim of Jesus leaves no middle ground. He is either self-deluded or he must be taken seriously. If we are to understand the heart, the character, the holiness, the righteousness, and the will of God, Jesus claims that we must look to him. He embodies and completes what the Law had as its goal. He didn't come to offer some cheapened form of grace (cf. Jude 4 & 2 Tim. 3:2-5). Instead, God wants us to look to Jesus and see what he intended in his Law -- he wanted to benefit us with his righteousness and bring us closer to him!

Holy and Righteous God, thank you for sending Jesus. While I can read and understand your demands for character, holiness, and righteousness in your Law, in Jesus I see more fully your call to me to be righteous. Please, dear Lord, work your work of salvation, and conform me to the character of Christ. In the name of my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. (by Phil Ware)