miercuri, ianuarie 30, 2008

I'll be there

When you are going through and you cannot see your way, the day has turned to darkness and there is no one around, just remember, I'll be there. When you reach out to touch your family, your friends, your associates, your spouse and you come up empty handed, remember that I'll be there.
I will protect you, I will provide for you, I will cover you and I will comfort you. I AM the God that sees where you are, who you are and what you're going through. I AM the God that heard what they said, I was there when your steps began to slip and even when you fell, but I will never fail you, I'll be there to pick you up, dust you off and get you back on your way.

I AM the same God that they mocked, tried, denied, crucified and now I sit on My throne in heaven justified. I'll be there to give you your peace, your power, your purpose back. I'll be there when you have come to the end of your rope, the end of the road, and what seems to you to be the end of time and the end of the day.

I'll be there, just like I said I would, because I AM and I cannot lie. My word is My bond, what I say, I perform, I perfect. What I start in you, I AM capable of finishing. Just know My child, no matter how many times you fall, how far you run, no matter where you go, or what they may say, I'LL BE THERE! It is not in the words that they say, but I want to hear you say to yourself what I've said many times before. You are blessed, and not cursed, above and not beneath, the beginning, not the end, the first not the last. You are blessed whether you come or whether you go, on Thursday just as much as on Sunday, for you see My child everyday is a holy day, and if you let Me....I'll be there.

Cunostinta cu Dumnezeu

Haideti sa parcurgem Psalmii si sa Il lasam pe Dumnezeu sa se prezinte. Pentru aceasta El se va folosi si de cuvintele lui David si ale altor oameni tematori de El, cuvinte inspirate tot de El, in urma relatiei pe care ei o au cu El.

Dumnezeu vrea sa Il cunoastem: sa stim ce Ii place si ce nu. Iar pentru ca noi sa Ii fim placuti, ar fi indicat sa facem ce stim ca Ii face placere. Atunci El se va bucura de noi, noi de El, unii de altii, ne va binecuvanta si vom fi la randul nostru o binecuvantare pentru altii.

Psalmii 1:6 Căci Domnul cunoaşte calea celor neprihăniţi, dar calea păcătoşilor duce la pieire.

Psalmii 3:3 Dar, Tu, Doamne, Tu eşti scutul meu, Tu eşti slava mea, şi Tu îmi înalţi capul!

Psalmii 3:4 Eu strig cu glasul meu către Domnul, şi El îmi răspunde din muntele Lui cel sfânt.

Psalmii 3:5 Mă culc, adorm, şi mă deştept iarăşi, căci Domnul este sprijinul meu.
Psalmii 3:8 La Domnul este scăparea: binecuvântarea Ta să fie peste poporul Tău.

Psalmii 4:7 Tu-mi dai mai multă bucurie în inima mea, decât au ei când li se înmulţeşte rodul grâului şi al vinului.

Psalmii 4:8 Eu mă culc şi adorm în pace, căci numai Tu, Doamne, îmi dai linişte deplină în locuinţa mea.

Psalmii 5:4 Căci Tu nu eşti un Dumnezeu căruia să-I placă răul; cel rău nu poate locui lângă Tine.
Psalmii 5:5 Nebunii nu pot să stea în preajma ochilor Tăi; Tu urăşti pe cei ce fac fărădelegea,

Psalmii 5:6 şi pierzi pe cei mincinoşi; Domnul urăşte pe oamenii care varsă sânge şi înşeală.

Psalmii 5:11 Atunci toţi cei ce se încred în Tine, se vor bucura, se vor înveseli totdeauna, căci Tu îi vei ocroti. Tu vei fi bucuria celor ce iubesc Numele Tău.

Psalmii 5:12 Căci Tu binecuvântezi pe cel neprihănit, Doamne, şi-l înconjori cu bunăvoinţa Ta, cum l-ai înconjura cu un scut.

Psalmii 6:8 Depărtaţi-vă de la mine, toţi cei ce faceţi răul! Căci Domnul a auzit glasul plângerii mele!

Psalmii 6:9 Domnul îmi ascultă cererile, şi Domnul îmi primeşte rugăciunea!

Psalmii 7:8 Domnul judecă popoarele:

Psalmii 7:9 Ah! pune odată capăt răutăţii celor răi, şi întăreşte pe cel neprihănit, Tu, care cercetezi inimile şi rărunchii, Dumnezeule drepte!

Psalmii 7:10 Scutul meu este în Dumnezeu, care mântuieşte pe cei cu inima curată.
Psalmii 7:11 Dumnezeu este un judecător drept, un Dumnezeu care Se mânie în orice vreme.
Psalmii 7:12 Dacă cel rău nu se întoarce la Dumnezeu, Dumnezeu îşi ascute sabia, Îşi încordează arcul, şi-l ocheşte,
Psalmii 7:13 îndreptă asupra lui săgeţi omorâtoare şi-i aruncă săgeţi arzătoare!

Psalmii 7:17 Eu voi lăuda pe Domnul pentru dreptatea Lui, şi voi cânta Numele Domnului, Numele Celui Prea Înalt.

Everlasting God

Strength Will Rise As We Wait Upon The Lord

We Will Wait Upon The Lord

We Will Wait Upon The Lord

Our God, You Reign Forever

Our Hope, Our Strong Deliverer

You Are The Everlasting God

The Everlasting God

You Do Not Faint

You Won't Grow Weary

Our God, You Reign Forever

Our Hope, Our Strong Deliverer

You Are The Everlasting God

The Everlasting God

You Do Not Faint

You Won't Grow Weary

You're The Defender Of The Weak

You Comfort Those In Need

You Lift Us Up On Wings Like Eagles

What Jesus did? - for January 30

Starting Signals - Matthew 4:12-13

Jesus heard that John was put in prison. So Jesus went back to Galilee. Jesus did not stay in Nazareth. He went and lived in Capernaum, a town near the lake (Lake Galilee). Capernaum is in the area near Zebulun and Naphtali. (ERV)

Key Thought
"Runners take your mark ... get set ... BANG!" At the firing of the starter's pistol, the runners burst out of their blocks and the race begins. Lying behind the start of the race are years of training, qualification races, hours of practice and conditioning, and preliminary heats that brought the runners to the starting line. Once there, they are ready to hear the signal for the race to begin. As Matthew tells us the story of the Good News of Jesus, he spends the first four chapters helping us see how Jesus prepared for his ministry. Then suddenly, Jesus hears the signal: "John has been put into prison." He then moves from the obscure hamlet of Nazareth into the bustling commerce city of the northern Sea of Galilee, Capernaum. It is now his time to start. Jesus goes where he is needed -- human people. He identifies himself with people seeking God's great work of deliverance through the Jews -- as a Jew he takes part in John's baptism of expectation and preparation. He is ready to faithfully serve both his Father and those who need him, no matter the cost. His ministry begins.

Today's Prayer
Almighty and patient Father, I confess that at times I grow anxious and frustrated with how long things take that are holy and righteous and needed. Yet I see in your greatest servants, an incredible investment in preparation and testing before they were equipped to serve. Please give me patience to wait for your timing and courageous wisdom to know and when the time has come to move with your grace and then act decisively. In Jesus' name I ask for this grace. Amen.