vineri, februarie 15, 2008

De ce-i asa...o stie El

De ce ades mi-e dat pe cale
Sa-ndur dureri si fel de fel,
De ce-s lovit adesea oare?
Eu nu-nteleg, dar stie El!

Cand cunoscut-am Adevarul
Si vrut-am sa spun despre El,
Silit am fost sa tac adesea ...
De ce-i asa, o stie El!

Din painea mea am dat altora
Fari sa ma tem ca ma insel.
Rasplata? M-au lovit cu pietre ...
De ce-i asa, o stie El!

Cand m-am luptat cu valul vietii
Si cand era s-ajung la tel,
Ma vad cu barca rasturnata ...
De ce-i asa, o stie El!

Cand moartea lupta pe-ndelete
Sa rup-al dragostei inel,
Raman copii sarmani pe drumuri ...
De ce-i asa, o stie El!

Greu apasat privesc adesea
Calvarul, Crucea si pe Miel;
De ce sunt lacrimi fara vina,
Eu nu-nteleg, dar stie El!

Cand mi-am trait mereu viata
In curatii de porumbel,
Stropit am fost cu murdarie,
De ce-i asa, o stie El!

Eu nu-nteleg, dar cred intr-una
Si cred cu patima si zel,
Ca multe din ce mi se-ntampla
Nu le-nteleg, dar stie El!

Si cand ajunge-voi in ceruri,
Cu Domnul, in al Sau Castel,
M-oi intreba: Cum de-s acolo?
Raspuns la toate-mi va da El!

What Jesus did? for Feb. 15

Salt! - Matthew 5:13

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its taste, then it cannot be made salty again. Salt is good for nothing, if it loses its salty taste. It must be thrown out and people walk on it. (ERV)

Key Thought
How does salt become “unsalty”? That's a logical question for folks who get their (sodium) salt out of a saltshaker. In Jesus' day, they got their salt from the Dead Sea. It could break down and lose its taste much more easily than our salt does today. If the salty elements in it were diluted with other things, the saltiness could be lost. Then it is only good to act as a little weed killer on the path that people frequently walked. In much the same way, the disciple who does not live by Kingdom Family values will lose his or her ability to influence and preserve the culture. In other words, Jesus was not interested in getting a group together just to have club meetings. He was calling disciples so that the righteousness, justice, and compassion of God could be shared and modeled to the world. If his disciples were to lose those things, then of what good and influence have they been?

Today's Prayer
Holy and Righteous God, I want to share your grace and bring your deliverance and joy to my friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Please help my influence in each of these places to be a blessing and a positive influence. Please forgive me for the times I have not been a preserving, redeeming, and saving influence to those around me. In the name of Jesus who has saved me. Amen.